84764 packages online


Showing: ppc-amigaos icongeneric icon
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
2048.lha 1.0 game/board 9434 435K 2014-07-02 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon "2048" - Logical game (Amiga clone) - (readme)
4Wins12.lha game/board 19268 11K 1996-10-04 m68k-amigaos icon The best 4 Wins game on WB. - (readme)
54321-MorphOS.lha 1.0 game/board 10045 612K 2008-02-22 ppc-morphos icon Five classic puzzle games - (readme)
54321_OS4.lha 1.0 game/board 9847 4.6M 2005-10-28 ppc-amigaos icon 5 puzzle games in 1 package - (readme)
5inarow.lha 1.1 game/board 9702 273K 2006-03-26 ppc-amigaos icon 5 in a row tic tac toe - (readme) 1.1 game/board 328 344K 2024-03-05 m68k-amigaos icon Popular Italian Christmas game - (readme) 1.0 game/board 232 472K 2024-05-30 i386-aros icon Popular Italian Christmas game - (readme)
8queens.lha game/board 7864 2K 1997-07-28 m68k-amigaos icon Chess: calculate queen positions - (readme)
A-Risk_AGA.lha 1.08 game/board 8340 1.9M 2016-07-15 m68k-amigaos icon Another Risk game. Needs AGA - (readme)
abacus220.lha game/board 11592 47K 1997-01-06 m68k-amigaos icon Board game like Abalone, V2.20 (MUI) - (readme)
Abacus_FR.lha 2.20 game/board 1082 6K 2023-05-03 generic icon French catalog for Abacus 2.20 - (readme)
Abacus_PL.lha game/board 7138 7K 1999-03-26 generic icon Polish translation for Abacus 2.20 - (readme)
abacus_src.lha 2.20 game/board 6107 108K 2017-04-26 generic icon Abacus source code - (readme)
addtraction-mos.lha 0.001 game/board 10826 93K 2006-02-15 ppc-morphos icon Numbers-based board game - (readme)
addtraction_os4.lha 0.001 game/board 7091 200K 2005-09-23 ppc-amigaos icon AddTraction_OS4 - (readme)
Adrasthello.lha 1.00 game/board 7035 48K 1996-10-28 m68k-amigaos icon Internet othello client for ios - (readme) 1.56 game/board 873 299K 2021-09-15 i386-aros icon Conversion of 3W board game - (readme)
Africa-OS4.lha 1.57 game/board 10883 346K 2025-01-01 ppc-amigaos icon Conversion of 3W board game - (readme)
Africa.lha 1.57 game/board 13482 297K 2025-01-01 m68k-amigaos icon Conversion of 3W board game - (readme)
AfricaMOS.lha 1.57 game/board 46693 398K 2025-01-03 ppc-morphos icon Conversion of 3W board game - (readme)
Alinearis2-fr.lha 2.0 game/board 6390 4K 2007-11-01 generic icon Alinearis2 french catalog - (readme)
AMancala.lha 1.19 game/board 6442 122K 1992-04-27 m68k-amigaos icon Variant of old African board game - (readme)
Amastermind.lha 1.1 game/board 6359 124K 1991-10-28 m68k-amigaos icon Mastermind type game written in AMOS - (readme)
Ambassador192B.lha 1.92ß game/board 6227 186K 2000-04-06 m68k-amigaos icon Client for IGS, Internet Go Server - (readme)
AmiBoard_V1_0.lha game/board 6876 841K 1994-03-29 m68k-amigaos icon Chess program - (readme)
amibox.lha 1.0 game/board 4971 446K 2017-12-06 m68k-amigaos icon AmiBOX - logical game 68k - (readme)
AmiChess.lha 2.0 game/board 7171 2.0M 2003-06-08 m68k-amigaos icon Chess based on GNUChess 5.05/06 - (readme)
AmiChessMOS-2.1.lha 2.1 game/board 6625 1.9M 2006-08-23 ppc-morphos icon Chess based on GNUChess 5.05/06 - (readme)
AmiChessOS4.lha 2.3 game/board 6698 1.9M 2006-11-06 ppc-amigaos icon Chess based on GNUChess 5.05/06 - (readme)
AmiChessSP.lha 2.3.1 game/board 6721 314K 2011-04-23 generic icon AmiChess 2.x spanish catalogs - (readme)
Amifish_AROS.lha 2.0 game/board 466 4.2M 2024-10-12 i386-aros icon Chess program UCI compatible - (readme)
Amifish_MorphOS.lha 2.0 game/board 450 4.1M 2024-10-12 ppc-morphos icon Chess program UCI compatible - (readme)
Amifish_OS4.lha 2.0 game/board 441 4.5M 2024-10-12 ppc-amigaos icon Chess program UCI compatible - (readme)
AmigaDraughts.lha game/board 6244 201K 1998-11-17 m68k-amigaos icon A traditional game of Draughts/Checkers - (readme)
AmigaSolitaire.lha game/board 6576 34K 1992-07-16 m68k-amigaos icon Version of Klondike Solitaire. - (readme)
Amigo6_5.lha 6.5 game/board 6287 98K 2001-11-18 m68k-amigaos icon A "Go" board and player for the Amiga - (readme)
AmonopolyV17.lha V1.7 game/board 6416 332K 1999-08-06 m68k-amigaos icon The classic game, International version - (readme)
AMono_source.lha game/board 5963 770K 2000-09-26 m68k-amigaos icon Source code for AMonopoly - (readme)
AmyBoardBin.lha 330.5 game/board 6198 189K 1995-08-15 m68k-amigaos icon GNU Chess frontend and ICS client - (readme)
AmyBoardDiffs.lha 330.5 game/board 6147 99K 1995-08-15 m68k-amigaos icon GNU Chess frontend and ICS client - (readme)
AmyBoardSrc.lha 330.5 game/board 6083 351K 1995-08-15 m68k-amigaos icon GNU Chess frontend and ICS client - (readme)
arosbattleships.tar.gz 1 game/board 2583 19K 2010-07-16 i386-aros icon ASCII = Battleships - (readme)
atakks.lha 1.0 game/board 6390 856K 2006-08-07 ppc-amigaos icon Othello-like clone - (readme)
attaks.lha 1.0 game/board 9488 162K 2008-09-15 m68k-amigaos icon Othello-like clone (SDL) - (readme)
babylon.lha game/board 6512 79K 1993-02-25 m68k-amigaos icon Amiga Version of the board game Abalone - (readme)
Backgammon.lha 2.3 (16-May-96) game/board 6361 46K 1996-05-18 m68k-amigaos icon Backgammon game w/source - V2.3 - (readme)
bantumi.lha 2.04 game/board 7857 452K 2010-11-01 ppc-morphos icon Ancient African board game in 3D - (readme)
barricadewb.lha game/board 6098 11K 1998-03-12 m68k-amigaos icon Classic board game - (readme)
BatNav.lha 1.10 game/board 6348 260K 1999-02-10 m68k-amigaos icon BatNav: 3D Battleship Game - (readme)
BD_Pieces.lha game/board 6170 5K 1995-04-01 m68k-amigaos icon Somewhat nicer pieces for Chess 2.0 - (readme)
Found 282 matching packages
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