This is version 6.5 of AmiGo --- a Go board and player for the Amiga.
The Amiga interface and board manager were written by Todd R. Johnson.
The player is written by Nikolaus Häfner and is based on Todd R. Johnson's
C port of a Pascal player written by Stoney Ballard. The interface allows
you to play human vs. human, human vs. Amiga, or Amiga vs. Amiga.
New Features (since Todd Johnson's Amigo V1.0):
1. Stronger player!
2. Ability to score a game.
3. Autosaving and the ability to load a saved game.
4. Timer.
5. Moves are shown optionally by a blinking stone.
6. It's not possible anymore to create illegal positions before
starting a game.
7. More information in the group info.
8. Some small bugs are removed.
9. Eight instead of seven levels.
10. More move reasons.
11. Fixed a bug with the font topaz 8 that wasn't used always.
New in Version 6.5:
-I removed a big bug with the calculation of the size of positions
(thanx to Christoph Gutjahr)
-I use another Icon now (created by myself)
-Alternative Icon by Christoph Gutjahr (thanx again)
Since version 5.5 Amigo is mailware, what just means that you have to
send me a mail, if you like the program. If you send me a mail, I'll
try to inform you about new versions of Amigo!
Thanx for help, critics & bug reports to Christoph Gutjahr & Roland Florac!