84782 packages online


Showing: ppc-amigaos icongeneric icon
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Found 333 matching packages
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
MiamiMonitorCT.lha 1 comm/net 728 1K 2003-02-16 m68k-amigaos icon Catalonian catalog for MiamiMonitor 1.2 - (readme)
MiamiDX_booster.lha comm/net 2034 1K 2006-09-01 generic icon MiamiDX transfer speed-up boost! - (readme)
MiamiDxWebCP.lha comm/net 1106 18K 2000-07-05 m68k-amigaos icon MiamiDxWebCP 2.3 - a Web Control Panel for MiamiDx - (readme)
MiamiDxCAT.lha 2.7 comm/net 808 49K 2003-06-22 m68k-amigaos icon Catalonian catalog for Miami Deluxe 1.0c - (readme)
Metro_pro.lha 1.00 comm/net 1479 1.7M 2011-01-17 ppc-morphos icon Client for ext. German Weather Service - (readme)
Metro.lha 1.00 comm/net 1385 73K 2011-01-06 ppc-morphos icon Client for German weather-service - (readme)
megaget.lha 0.02 comm/net 1144 11K 2007-07-01 generic icon Aminet frontend and/or [http] downloader - (readme)
MarranoFTP.lha 0.65 comm/net 1110 38K 2008-06-17 i386-aros icon The most marrano of ftp clients - (readme)
MailQueue372.lha comm/net 594 9K 1995-02-18 m68k-amigaos icon Monitor number of msgs in SMTPSpool - (readme)
Mailchk.lha 2.01 comm/net 657 20K 1990-03-05 m68k-amigaos icon Mail client for Dnet. V2.01 - (readme)
magPLIP38.1.lha 38.1 comm/net 1773 121K 1998-06-02 m68k-amigaos icon SANA-II parallel port driver - (readme)
magPLIP-lin2.2.lha 2.2 comm/net 637 32K 1999-06-16 m68k-amigaos icon Plip.c update for magplip38.1 and Linux kernel 2.2 - (readme)
magplip-lin-2.6.tar.gz 2.6 comm/net 677 68K 2006-03-06 generic icon magplip.c for magplip38.1 and Linux kernel 2.6 - (readme)
magnet2torrent.lha 1.0 comm/net 1088 22K 2015-03-25 ppc-morphos icon Convert magnet links to .torrent url - (readme)
magicparnet.lha comm/net 1001 97K 1996-12-18 m68k-amigaos icon Best ParNET-Package! MagicWB,CIA-Checker,EZ Installation - (readme)
LT-UNIX255.lha comm/net 618 328K 1998-04-08 m68k-amigaos icon Sistema Operacional LT-Unix, \"Only portugues-brazil version\" - (readme)
LPx.lha 1.0 comm/net 783 3K 2000-10-22 m68k-amigaos icon Print scripts for Samba, v1.0 - (readme)
LogActs34.lha comm/net 631 71K 1994-07-10 m68k-amigaos icon User configurable logon activities pfile - (readme)
localdev.lha comm/net 812 6K 1997-04-03 m68k-amigaos icon Allows unlimited local ip addresses - (readme)
ListServBeta2.lha 1.0ß2 comm/net 633 38K 1997-02-20 m68k-amigaos icon Amiga Mailing List Server Beta 2 - (readme)
ListServBeta.lha 1.0ß comm/net 647 30K 1997-01-09 m68k-amigaos icon Amiga Mailing List Server Beta - (readme)
lanclip.lha comm/net 687 28K 2003-09-28 m68k-amigaos icon (0.3) Share your clipboard over your LAN - (readme)
jday_1.3.lha comm/net 1294 65K 2005-02-14 ppc-morphos icon jday 1.3 - (readme)
iwan1-110.lha comm/net 604 7K 1995-04-22 m68k-amigaos icon SANA2 device for the BSC ISDN Card - (readme)
IU-14-as225.lha comm/net 681 387K 1994-12-11 m68k-amigaos icon AS225r2 SMTP/NNTP utilities v1.4 INetUtils - (readme)
IPInf.lha comm/net 632 3K 1997-06-21 m68k-amigaos icon Gives information about IP address characteristics - (readme)
IntrAdrGuide.lha comm/net 628 74K 1994-05-17 m68k-amigaos icon Internet Adress book for use Term - (readme)
internetsignup.lha comm/net 642 29K 1997-05-17 m68k-amigaos icon (0.9) Allows you to online-register Internet-acounts - (readme)
Interkom.lha comm/net 651 728K 1998-12-19 m68k-amigaos icon How to use Provider Planet-Interkom - (readme)
Inform2.lha comm/net 657 4K 1994-11-11 m68k-amigaos icon Replacement for inform (starts commands on other ParNET-Amiga) - (readme)
Inet_SDK_SASC.lha 3 comm/net 1126 196K 1996-04-18 m68k-amigaos icon I-Net 225/Surfer Developer\'s Kit - (readme)
INET.Online.lzh 1.0 comm/net 632 1K 1998-03-09 m68k-amigaos icon Show I-Net 225 Online time & phone no. in window - (readme)
INET.Offline.lzh 1.0 comm/net 626 1K 1998-03-09 m68k-amigaos icon Show I-Net 225 Online time & phone no. in window - (readme)
idial11.lha comm/net 589 53K 1995-07-17 m68k-amigaos icon THE BEST...InternetDIALer Version 1.1 FULL - (readme)
ICQPager0.1.lha comm/net 589 60K 1999-12-09 m68k-amigaos icon Send ICQ Pagers to ICQ users - (readme)
ICounter.lha 1.06 (27.2.1997) comm/net 583 13K 1997-02-28 m68k-amigaos icon Ratecounter for access to the Internet via T-Online (German) - (readme)
HTTPirLOG_v06b.lha comm/net 629 49K 1996-03-11 m68k-amigaos icon CERN/ASERVE HTTPD Logfile Analyzer by PirlAGA - (readme)
hpwake.lha comm/net 756 6K 2002-07-25 m68k-amigaos icon Wake On LAN client for Amiga - (readme)
HostName.lha comm/net 655 6K 1993-12-24 m68k-amigaos icon Displays host name of Envoy\'ed Amiga. - (readme)
hnet.lha comm/net 708 88K 1996-04-09 m68k-amigaos icon Serial network. Version 1.0 (beta) - (readme)
gummisurf.lha 1.4 comm/net 1887 98K 2009-10-29 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon The downloader manager companion. - (readme)
GUItcp.lha comm/net 607 3K 1996-01-15 m68k-amigaos icon Launches TCP & Related programs from buttons. V1.1 - (readme)
GraniteSP.lha 1.4.0 comm/net 1261 7K 2011-10-31 generic icon Granite 1.4 spanish catalog - (readme)
goppy.lha 1.0 comm/net 628 5K 1998-01-05 m68k-amigaos icon Gopher proxy for Interworks I-Net 225 and possibly others - (readme)
GoPortscan.lha 1.1 comm/net 903 264K 2003-09-21 m68k-amigaos icon V1.1 TCP/UDP Portscanner + more with MUI interface - (readme)
Goportscan-de.lha 1.01 comm/net 976 23K 2006-12-13 generic icon German locale for GoPortscan - (readme)
GoogleTool_1.10.lha 1.10 comm/net 1672 818K 2011-02-02 ppc-morphos icon GoogleTool - youtube-/ googlemaps-client - (readme)
GoFetch_Public.lha comm/net 768 1K 2001-02-13 m68k-amigaos icon FREE Public Keyfile for GoFetch! - (readme)
GoFetch_122.lha 1.2.2 comm/net 884 57K 2016-08-08 m68k-amigaos icon recompiled and optimized with GEC - (readme)
GoFetch_121.lha 1.2.1 comm/net 799 60K 2016-08-06 m68k-amigaos icon recompiled and optimized with CreativE - (readme)
Found 333 matching packages
1 2 3 >4< 5 6 7
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