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comm/net/MailQueue372.lha |
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This is just a little program to use with the INetUtils for AmiTCP/AS225,
especially for your SMTPSpool directory. The program will monitor all queued
files within the SMTPSpool directory and display the number of messages in a
small window, you may position somewhere on your Workbench. As soon as a
message is queued/deleted, the information will be updated.
PUBLIC DOMAIN, includes source...
Fixed since Version 37.1 (Yep, even a small program may have bugs ;)
- Added SendMail switch, which acts as a SENDMAIL compatible
switch. SendMail creates two D.#? entries for one mail.
The SendMail switch causes MailQueue to halve the number
of files found, in order to show the number of mails
(Requested by : <phil@curve.demon.co.uk>)
Fixed since Version 37.0 (Yep, even a small program may have bugs ;)
- Added new ONLYWB option, whichs causes the program
to only open it`s window, on Workbench
- MailQueue wasn`t really pure, as it used to set up LibBases
as globals (well, technically wasn`t pure ;)). Changed.
(Reported by : WShell users)
- Whoops, wrong version string contained in executable ;)
- Added ZEROCLOSE option to hide the Queue window when no messages are
queued. (This was done by Greg Patterson; thanks Greg)
Contents of comm/net/MailQueue372.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 482 780 61.8% -lh5- a91f Feb 15 1995 MailQueue/.Product-Info
[generic] 1805 2852 63.3% -lh5- c04f Feb 15 1995 MailQueue/MailQueue
[generic] 4254 14307 29.7% -lh5- 37ba Feb 15 1995 MailQueue/MailQueue.c
[generic] 1806 3922 46.0% -lh5- 4cc5 Feb 15 1995 MailQueue/MailQueue.doc
[generic] 224 371 60.4% -lh5- 59d1 Jan 13 1995 MailQueue/SCOPTIONS
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 8571 22232 38.6% Feb 18 1995
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