This sana-2 device allows you to configure amitcp to use an unlimited number
of ip addresses on your local machine. This is great for testing without connecting
to any actual network.
The local.device prefs file (ENV:Sana2/local?.prefs) contains one config line
(aside from the comments). The format of the line (in ReadArgs() style) is:
CurrentAddress Our current "hardware" address 128 bits long.
DefaultAddress Our default "hardware" address 128 bits long.
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit.
BPS Bits Per Second.
HWType Hardware type number (see include:devices/sana2.h).
eg S2WireType_Ethernet = 1 and S2WireType_PPP = 254
a line starting with # is ignored.
eg IP= MTU=4096 BPS=512k/s HWType=Ethernet (1)
becomes C="" D="" MTU=1500 BPS=524288 HWType=1
put the following line in amitcp:db/interfaces
local0 DEV=DEVS:Networks/local.device UNIT=0
use the following line to config the thing into amitcp:
ifconfig local0 netmask
Now startup amitcp and yeah you've got a local ip address!
Which can be monitored with Sniffer and other programs.
Things on the `ToDo list' : - Packet tracking.
- other requests.
Have fun with your local network!