Short:        Show I-Net 225 Online time & phone no. in window
Author: (Jim Dutton)
Uploader:     jimd siu edu (Jim Dutton)
Type:         comm/net
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Date:         23 Feb 98

** PreReq's : ARexx, INet-225
** CoReq's  : INET_Online.rexx
** Function : Display a (relatively) small console window wherein
**            the current amount of time (minutes) "online" is displayed
**            along with the (hard coded) dial-up phone number
** Caveats  : As with any other Shell/CLI window, accidently moving
**            cursor in the window interrupts output
** Benie's  : Initial window can be resized and moved as desired
** Comments : ARexx must be up and running before Inet is;
**            Modify the initial window size as needed;
**            The console window closes automatically after Inet
**            goes offline (via Stop...), after the 15 (sec) pause at the bottom
** Usage    : Place this and the other programs in an Inet subdirectory;
**            Add the following line to each Start... Inet script for
**            dial-up connections, before the 'SetEnv HOSTNAME' line:
**               Run rexxc:rx inet:<path>/INET_Online <phone number>
**            Add the following line to each Stop.... Inet script for
**            dial-up connections:
**               rexxc:rx inet:<path>/INET_Offline