nA_showLOGO02.lha |
0.2 |
gfx/show |
559 |
6K |
2003-05-25 |
View mobilephone logos - (readme) |
NetTV_GFX_1.5.lha |
1.5 |
gfx/show |
634 |
36K |
2008-01-07 |
WebTV player (mms:) - (readme) |
NewView.lha |
1.1 |
gfx/show |
543 |
45K |
1998-12-25 |
V1.2 of the Datatype-Pic/Anim-Viewer - (readme) |
OPCD40.lha |
gfx/show |
535 |
62K |
1994-04-06 |
Photo CDs on Opalvision! - (readme) |
opendivx_libra.lha |
gfx/show |
965 |
209K |
2001-03-04 |
Opendivx.library (WarpUP and 68k supported) - (readme) |
OpenPicSpc_MOS.lha |
2.2 |
gfx/show |
561 |
444K |
2004-05-10 |
Directory pictures thumbnails viewer (MorphOS) - (readme) |
OptimusView.lha |
1.5 |
gfx/show |
527 |
101K |
1996-10-02 |
Retina image display program. V1.5 - (readme) |
osiris_v106.lha |
1.10 |
gfx/show |
769 |
186K |
1998-02-26 |
MPEG video player for CybergraphX - (readme) |
OVGIF.lzh |
gfx/show |
527 |
12K |
1994-04-06 |
GIF Viewer for OpalVision. - (readme) |
oview115.lha |
gfx/show |
662 |
9K |
1993-09-29 |
Opal picture viewer shows GIF/IFF/JPEG.. - (readme) |
P-Animate.lha |
2.1 |
gfx/show |
603 |
228K |
1992-04-27 |
3D animation program in Anim5 format. V2.1 - (readme) |
P-Reader.lha |
gfx/show |
545 |
27K |
1993-11-23 |
Text/pic displayer. V7.1 - (readme) |
P-View.lha |
gfx/show |
634 |
5K |
1994-08-16 |
A tiny ILBM viewer for OS 1.3/2/3 - (readme) |
PalomaDOCK.lha |
gfx/show |
530 |
21K |
1998-06-11 |
Dockutility for PicassoIV's PalomaTV - (readme) |
PalomadockUPD.lha |
gfx/show |
514 |
4K |
1998-06-11 |
Missing files for PalomaTV Dockutility - (readme) |
PalomaFE.lha |
1.0 |
gfx/show |
538 |
190K |
1998-09-22 |
FrontEnd control for PalomaTV - (readme) |
PalomaFEv2.1.lha |
2.1 |
gfx/show |
521 |
203K |
1998-10-21 |
MultiPass Anim grabber for PalomaTV - (readme) |
pcdaga_mui.lha |
1.4 |
gfx/show |
503 |
15K |
1997-01-27 |
MUI-Frontend for the Programm PhotoCDAGA - (readme) |
PcdGui.lha |
gfx/show |
508 |
247K |
1995-05-31 |
GUI for simple PhotoCD access - (readme) |
pcpro10b.lha |
1.00 Beta |
gfx/show |
515 |
80K |
1996-05-26 |
Compares Two IFF/ILBM Pictures - (readme) |
PCXAGA.lha |
gfx/show |
512 |
25K |
1995-02-08 |
Small useful PCXfiles viewer, 256 cols, v2.1. - (readme) |
PcxShow1_2.lha |
gfx/show |
498 |
8K |
1995-10-24 |
Simple PCX 256-color file viewer. - (readme) |
PegaThlon.lha |
gfx/show |
1052 |
92K |
2003-05-21 |
Mpeg Video player suitable for Amithlon - (readme) |
PhotoCDAGA12.lha |
1.2 |
gfx/show |
528 |
138K |
1995-10-20 |
PhotoCD viewer/converter (for AGA) - (readme) |
PhotoCDAGA_GUI.lha |
gfx/show |
505 |
56K |
1996-10-03 |
GUI interface for PhotoCDAGA - (readme) |
PhotoFolio1_2.lha |
gfx/show |
665 |
325K |
1999-10-14 |
V1.2 View/Store/Catalog images - (readme) |
PhotoFolio_Swe.lha |
gfx/show |
708 |
9K |
2006-11-29 |
Swedish translation for PhotoFolio v2.4 - (readme) |
picinfo.lha |
gfx/show |
514 |
7K |
1992-10-14 |
Give basic information about some pictures - (readme) |
picoview.lha |
gfx/show |
592 |
20K |
1994-02-10 |
IFF viewer for Standard, AGA, gfx cards - (readme) |
picputter.lha |
gfx/show |
541 |
8K |
1997-09-22 |
Ilbm on public screen as backgroud pattern - (readme) |
PicShow.lha |
1.29 |
gfx/show |
2738 |
592K |
2003-07-20 |
Datatype picture viewer for directory tools - (readme) |
PicShowMI.lha |
2nd Release |
gfx/show |
872 |
35K |
2002-09-01 |
GlowIcons Toolbar for PicShow - (readme) |
PicshowPA.lha |
2nd Release |
gfx/show |
741 |
74K |
2002-05-05 |
GlowIcons Toolbar for PicShowNav - (readme) |
PicShow_Swe.lha |
gfx/show |
729 |
6K |
2007-12-17 |
Swedish translation for PicShow - (readme) |
PictureAlbum.lha |
r1 |
gfx/show |
1241 |
1.2M |
2014-07-16 |
A unique picture browser/organiser - (readme) |
Pinacoteca.lha |
1.1 |
gfx/show |
733 |
1.9M |
2019-07-02 |
browse/view images w/ thumbnail preview - (readme) |
PiPView201.lha |
2.01 |
gfx/show |
699 |
17K |
1999-08-03 |
PictureViewer for PiP (P96 with PicassoIV) - (readme) |
PIV-MooVId.lha |
1.3 |
gfx/show |
1584 |
89K |
2000-06-19 |
The Ultimate AVI/MOV player for PicassoIV - (readme) |
playdvd-1.2.lha |
1.2 |
gfx/show |
967 |
1K |
2006-02-02 |
Start DVD playback with MPlayer more easily - (readme) |
PlayFKiss2_06.lha |
gfx/show |
512 |
227K |
1996-03-16 |
Kisekae player,/w/ KISSGS/FKISS. MUI required. - (readme) |
PlayKiSS0_88.lha |
gfx/show |
529 |
75K |
1994-11-28 |
OS 3.0 Player and utils for KISS/GS4. - (readme) |
PlotView.lha |
gfx/show |
541 |
90K |
1988-11-22 |
View UNIX plot files. - (readme) |
plplot68k-5.0.1.lha |
5.0.1 |
gfx/show |
1077 |
3.3M |
2017-04-28 |
PLPLOT Plotting Library - (readme) |
PNG-gio.lha |
gfx/show |
529 |
42K |
1995-06-27 |
PNG gio (beta) for Photogenics 1.2 - (readme) |
pnmview_grf.lha |
1.19 |
gfx/show |
618 |
46K |
1999-01-09 |
Show PBM/PGM/PPM-images on the Graffiti - (readme) |
PointRider-amigaos4.lha |
0.50 |
gfx/show |
1297 |
660K |
2008-02-13 |
Displays/converts PowerPoint (PPS) files - (readme) |
PointRider-morphos.lha |
0.50 |
gfx/show |
2301 |
185K |
2008-02-13 |
Displays/converts PowerPoint (PPS) files - (readme) |
PointRiderUI-fr.lha |
1.1 |
gfx/show |
919 |
2K |
2007-05-26 |
PointRiderUI french catalog - (readme) |
pointriderui.lha |
51.3 |
gfx/show |
694 |
33K |
2006-04-19 |
GUI for PointRider OS4 version. - (readme) |
PointRiderUIItaCat.lha |
1.0 |
gfx/show |
508 |
9K |
2020-03-03 |
Italian catalog for PointRiderUI v51.3 - (readme) |