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Showing: ppc-amigaos icongeneric icon
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
dirmaster.lha 1.3 util/dopus 822 3K 1997-02-27 generic icon Another set of dir & lister commands. V1.3 - (readme)
DiskRemove.lha util/dopus 551 1K 1997-08-23 generic icon Close or redirect listers of removed devices - (readme)
DLGoodies.lha util/dopus 622 8K 1996-08-29 generic icon Useful arexx scripts for DOpus5 - (readme)
DO5-iMac-Theme.lha util/dopus 611 549K 1999-01-04 generic icon IMac Theme for DirOpus Mag II - (readme)
Do5BootSel.lha 1.0 util/dopus 573 11K 1998-08-17 m68k-amigaos icon Simple BootSelector for DOpus5 and WB - (readme)
DO5CleanRam.lha 1.1 util/dopus 612 1K 1998-10-24 generic icon CleanRam Script for DOpus 5.6 Magellan - (readme)
DO5exoArcs.lha 1.2 util/dopus 623 4K 1998-05-30 generic icon Filetypes for ZIP/GZip/TAR/TGZ/RAR/ARJ - (readme)
Do5extPrefs16.lha 1.6 util/dopus 1281 39K 1998-06-11 m68k-amigaos icon Editor for the Opus5 envars - (readme)
DOcfg.lha util/dopus 823 28K 1998-05-06 generic icon Nice config for DirOpus4.12 many features! - (readme)
DOExtractDMS.lha util/dopus 1089 3K 1996-08-06 generic icon Extract many DMS-Files by click one Button - (readme)
doomwad_ft.lha 1.0 util/dopus 545 5K 1998-01-27 generic icon FileType for Doom WAD's - (readme)
DOPbt1.lha util/dopus 1064 29K 1996-08-03 generic icon Various opus4 help scripts: see readme ! - (readme)
DOPbt2.lha util/dopus 1074 14K 1996-08-03 generic icon Various opus4 help scripts: see readme ! - (readme)
dopbt3.lha util/dopus 1038 16K 1996-08-03 generic icon Various opus4 help scripts: see readme ! - (readme)
DOPbt41.lha util/dopus 997 15K 1996-08-03 generic icon Various opus4 help scripts: see readme ! - (readme)
DOPbt5.lha util/dopus 1230 129K 1996-08-03 generic icon Various opus4 help scripts: see readme ! - (readme)
DopJoin.lha 1.03a (1-Apr-2001) util/dopus 648 5K 2001-04-03 m68k-amigaos icon Join files with DirectoryOpus 4.xx. V1.03a - (readme)
DopJoin5.lha 1.00 (1-Apr-2001) util/dopus 592 5K 2001-04-03 m68k-amigaos icon Join files with DirectoryOpus 5.xx. V1.00 - (readme)
Dopus-MidiPlay.lha util/dopus 654 3K 1998-04-12 generic icon Arrex script to play midi files V1.1 - (readme)
DOpus4-AddDir10.lha 1.0 util/dopus 1147 4K 2015-07-07 generic icon ARexx: add a directory for an .info file - (readme)
DOpus4-AddInfoDummy10.lha 1.0 util/dopus 1086 4K 2015-07-07 generic icon ARexx: add dummy file for an .info file - (readme)
DOpus4-Base6410.lha 1.0 util/dopus 1250 8K 2015-07-01 generic icon ARexx: encode + decode files with Base64 - (readme)
DOpus4-Intersect14.lha 1.4 util/dopus 1122 5K 2015-07-05 generic icon ARexx: intersect contents of two panes - (readme)
dopus4-morphos.lha 4.18 util/dopus 5699 550K 2008-07-24 ppc-morphos icon Directory Opus 4 - (readme)
DOpus4-OpenWindow.lha 1.1 util/dopus 775 4K 2021-12-05 generic icon ARexx: open a WB window for directories - (readme)
DOpus4-SeqRename.lha 1.1 util/dopus 681 5K 2021-12-04 generic icon ARexx script: sequence-rename files - (readme)
DOpus4-SeqRename10.lha 1.0 util/dopus 1095 5K 2015-07-08 generic icon ARexx script: sequence-rename files - (readme)
DOpus4-Subtract10.lha 1.0 util/dopus 1007 5K 2015-07-05 generic icon ARexx: subtract contents of two panes - (readme)
DOpus4-Version12.lha 1.2 util/dopus 3546 4K 2015-06-28 m68k-amigaos icon ARexx script: get file version in DOpus4 - (readme)
dopus412-gpl.lha util/dopus 1445 657K 2000-01-31 generic icon Directory Opus 4 source code - (readme)
DOpus412JRbin.lha 4.12 util/dopus 6152 321K 2000-03-06 m68k-amigaos icon Great filemanager from GP Software - (readme)
DOpus412JRsrc.lha 4.12 util/dopus 878 672K 2000-03-06 generic icon Great filemanager from GP Software - (readme)
DOpus414JRbin.lha 4.14 util/dopus 1883 326K 2000-04-01 m68k-amigaos icon Great filemanager from GP Software - (readme)
DOpus414JRsrc.lha 4.14 util/dopus 1144 609K 2000-04-01 generic icon Great filemanager from GP Software - (readme)
DOpus416JRbin.lha 4.16 util/dopus 15674 873K 2001-07-01 m68k-amigaos icon Great filemanager from GP Software - (readme)
DOpus416JRsrc.lha 4.16 util/dopus 2006 981K 2001-07-04 generic icon Great filemanager from GP Software - (readme)
DOpus4Catalogs.lha util/dopus 2315 119K 2015-10-04 generic icon All catalogs for Directory Opus 4 - (readme)
Dopus4Manual.lha util/dopus 1936 98K 2000-09-17 generic icon Official Directory Opus 4 manual - (readme)
DOpus4Manual_de.lha 1.0 util/dopus 522 120K 2024-03-15 generic icon German DOpus 4 manual - (readme)
DOpus4Plus.lha util/dopus 2507 42K 2000-09-26 generic icon The ultimate AddOn collection for DOpus4! - (readme)
DOpus4SP.lha 4.17.3 util/dopus 1714 37K 2012-06-25 generic icon Directory Opus 4 spanish catalogs - (readme)
dopus5-bkgr.lha util/dopus 631 244K 1999-04-29 generic icon A selection of backgrounds for use with DOpus5 - (readme)
dopus5-water.lha util/dopus 934 235K 1999-04-29 generic icon Water Theme for Opus Magellan II - (readme)
Dopus511.lha util/dopus 1084 383K 1995-06-24 m68k-amigaos icon Patch for Directory Opus 5.0 & 5.10 -> 5.11 - (readme)
Dopus511D.lha util/dopus 732 381K 1995-07-09 m68k-amigaos icon Patch for Directory Opus 5.0 & 5.10 -> 5.11 GERMAN - (readme)
DOpus511Ita.lha util/dopus 601 17K 1995-09-07 generic icon Italian Catalogs for Directory Opus 5.11 - (readme)
DOpus511NL.lha util/dopus 547 18K 1995-07-18 generic icon Dutch Catalogs for Directory Opus 5.11 - (readme)
DOpus511Norsk.lha util/dopus 585 16K 1995-07-18 generic icon Norwegian Catalogs for Directory Opus 5.11 - (readme)
DOpus55FR.lha util/dopus 582 29K 1997-01-16 generic icon French Catalogs for Directory Opus 5.5 - (readme)
DOpus55IT.lha util/dopus 618 26K 1997-02-23 generic icon Italian Catalogs for Directory Opus 5.5 - (readme)
Found 307 matching packages
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