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util/dopus/DOpus4-Version12.lha |
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Get File Version in DirectoryOpus 4.x
>> ChangeLog
27 June 2015 - DOpus4-Version v1.2
* Cleanups and fixes.
25 June 2015 - DOpus4-Version v1.1
* Removed the port check (thanks @eab:daxb).
* Added support for file-names with spaces in them.
>> About
This script can be added to DirectoryOpus 4 either as a button
or a hotkey and allows you to retrieve a file version
(internally, by using the stock C:Version command) and to
display the version in a convenient pop-up window.
The script is designed to not use any external tools and has no
other requirements than a stock installation of DirectoryOpus 4
and the Workbench stock version of C:Version. The ARexx script
works under the assumption that version strings must contain at
least a number. This means that if some developer just supplied
letters as the version string then this script will fail.
However, the script is excessively documented and is easy to
adapt to use a more comprehensive tool that is able to extract
an unconventional version string.
>> How to install?
1.) Extract the archive
2.) Place DOpus4-Version.rexx wherever you see fit.
(It is tidy, for example, to create an ARexx directory
in DOPUS4: and then place your scripts there.)
3.) Open DirectoryOpus4 and right-click and go to
4.) On the screen that pops-up, go to Buttons and create a new
button somewhere where you see fit.
4a.) Give the button a name ("Version", for example) and
create a new entry.
4b.) Set the cycler to ARexx and click the magnifying glass
to enter the path to the DOpus4-Version.rexx script.
5.) You do not need to set any flags.
6.) Save and exit and you are done.
>> How to use?
In DirectoryOpus 4, select any file that is bound to have a
version string and click the button you created.
You can also select multiple files and the script will process
them all one after the other while skipping files that do not
have a version string.
>> Alternatives
FindVersion @ http://aminet.net/package/util/dopus/FindVersion1_0
Unfortunately, it requires the shareware GetVer400 package
which is shareware and must be registered.
>> Project Website
>> Feedback
You can reach us at:
Wizardry and Steamworks
e-mail: office@grimore.org
Contents of util/dopus/DOpus4-Version12.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown] 1302 3116 41.8% -lh5- 911b Jun 27 17:31 DOpus4-Version12/DOpus4-Version.readme
[unknown] 455 886 51.4% -lh5- c149 Jun 27 17:24 DOpus4-Version12/DOpus4-Version.readme.info
[unknown] 1891 6388 29.6% -lh5- 7662 Jun 27 17:14 DOpus4-Version12/DOpus4-Version.rexx
[unknown] 587 859 68.3% -lh5- 00e5 Jun 27 17:24 DOpus4-Version12/DOpus4-Version.rexx.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 4 files 4235 11249 37.6% Jun 27 21:52
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