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Short:Sinclair QL Screen viewer
Author:Ventzislav Tzvetkov
Uploader:mmartinka volny cz (Miloslav Martinka)
Download:gfx/show/qlview.i386-aros.lha - View contents

This little utility allows you to view raw Sinclair QL screen files on
Amiga window, and save them as  ILBM  images. Both  MODE 4  and  MODE 8
screens  are  supported. Only  QL  standart  32768 bytes long files are
recognized and shown.  On the  test  files  included  in  the  archive,
comments are set for each picture,  suggesting  the  mode  for accurate
viewing. The color palette is taken  from  Sinclair QL  screenshot, and
believed to be as  much  accurate  as  possible.   QLView   saves   the
shown picture in ILBM non compressed format,  24668  bytes  for  MODE 8 
pictures and 49244 bytes for MODE 4 pictures,both with Depth 3 (8 Color
Pallete).  Currently the program omits the flash  bits,  so some images
doesn't look exactly the same as on real or emulated QL.
Gwendoline_screen for example have some flashing snowflakes,  which are
standing still on the QLView window.

From CLI> QLView [QLScreen] [MODE=4/8]  , where QLScreen is the file to
be shown and MODE is the preffered mode (Default is 8).  Both arguments
are not obligatory. Examples:
 > QLView Renault5_screen 4      , will show Renault5_screen in MODE 4.
 > QLView Girl_screen MODE=4     , will show   Girl_screen   in MODE 4.
 > QLView GChrome_screen         , will show GChrome_screen  in MODE 8.
 > QLView           - Launches the program. Some help text will appear.
 > QLView ?         - Shows Usage info.
 > QLView MODE=4    - Launches the program in MODE 4.Help text appears.

From Workbench -> DoubleClick on the program icon.

On the program execution ->

  There is a menu accessable on right mouse click,  which  is  normally
hidden for viewing purposes.

  "Open File" menu item or RightAmiga+O or O key - Opens  FileRequester
which can select QL screen for load. QLView will render it immediately,
if it is really a QL MODE 4 or MODE 8 picture.

  "Save as IFF" menu item or RightAmiga+S or S key -Opens FileRequester
for choosing filename of the ILBM format image,  and  saves the current
display with this name. If the filename already exist a  requester will 
appear, giving the chance to overwrite the file.

   "Colors" menu item or RightAmiga+W or W key - Switches  the  palette
between the original Colors and different sets. Total  eight  colorsets
are available,simulating different monitor shades - Black&White (Grey),
Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan and Color (default palette).The
selected palette is taken into account during saving.

   "Mode" menu item or RightAmiga+C or C key - Switches between MODE 4
and MODE 8.

   "Quit" menu item or RightAmiga+Q or Esc key - Quits the program.


Bug - saved .IFF picture is not corect.

Compiling for AROS, Miloslav Martinka.


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Contents of gfx/show/qlview.i386-aros.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
drwx------ 65534/65534       0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  5 14:15 QLView/
-rwx------ 65534/65534    6921   32768  21.1% -lh5- 056c Aug 27  2008 QLView/ArcEd_Russian_screen
-rwx------ 65534/65534   16549   32768  50.5% -lh5- a8e3 Aug 27  2008 QLView/Cat_screen
-rwx------ 65534/65534   22457   32768  68.5% -lh5- 724b Aug 27  2008 QLView/Cervo_screen
-rwx------ 65534/65534   21425   32768  65.4% -lh5- 3442 Aug 27  2008 QLView/EandI_MODE4
-rwx------ 65534/65534    2509   32768   7.7% -lh5- 977b Aug 27  2008 QLView/GChrome_screen
-rwx------ 65534/65534   14192   32768  43.3% -lh5- 1314 Aug 27  2008 QLView/Gatto_screen
-rwx------ 65534/65534   16087   32768  49.1% -lh5- 60b2 Aug 27  2008 QLView/Girl_screen
-rwx------ 65534/65534    4842   32768  14.8% -lh5- 018a Aug 27  2008 QLView/Gwendoline_screen
-rwx------ 65534/65534   16781   32768  51.2% -lh5- 4fca Aug 27  2008 QLView/Lamp_screen
-rwx------ 65534/65534   15976   32768  48.8% -lh5- 1fa1 Aug 27  2008 QLView/PeaceFestival2000_mode8
-rwx------ 65534/65534   13936   45328  30.7% -lh5- b886 Aug 27  2008 QLView/QLView
-rwx------ 65534/65534    3439    5864  58.6% -lh5- fef4 Aug 27  2008 QLView/
-rwx------ 65534/65534    2349    4768  49.3% -lh5- 664c Aug 27  2008 QLView/QLView.readme
-rwx------ 65534/65534    2969    7640  38.9% -lh5- 69b8 Aug 27  2008 QLView/
-rwx------ 65534/65534   10789   32252  33.5% -lh5- ab1a Apr  5 14:12 QLView/QLView_aros
-rwx------ 65534/65534    3440    5864  58.7% -lh5- b87c Aug 27  2008 QLView/
-rwx------ 65534/65534   12682   32768  38.7% -lh5- 3d2d Aug 27  2008 QLView/Renault5_screen
-rwx------ 65534/65534    3518   32768  10.7% -lh5- 04a2 Aug 27  2008 QLView/SirClive_screen
-rwx------ 65534/65534   24188   32768  73.8% -lh5- 0c1c Aug 27  2008 QLView/WhatEver_Screen
-rwx------ 65534/65534    8005   32768  24.4% -lh5- 7877 Aug 27  2008 QLView/Worm_screen
-rwx------ 65534/65534   13508   32768  41.2% -lh5- 669a Aug 27  2008 QLView/goodie2_screen
drwx------ 65534/65534       0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  5 15:51 QLView/source/
-rwx------ 65534/65534    6816   28868  23.6% -lh5- ed50 Aug 27  2008 QLView/source/QLView.c
-rwx------ 65534/65534    6480   27400  23.6% -lh5- 4830 Apr  5 15:21 QLView/source/QLView_aros.c
-rwx------ 65534/65534     426    1036  41.1% -lh5- 83c5 Apr  5 15:51 QLView/source/QLView_protos.h
-rwx------ 65534/65534    5935    5935 100.0% -lh0- 19d8 Aug 27  2008
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        27 files  256219  656475  39.0%            Apr  6 18:48
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