* Support for DataTypes, including 24-bit DataTypes
* Automatic re-scaling of images
* Improved error handling
* Several bugs fixed
JIV is a picture viewer. I can imagine that you're wondering now why I had
to write yet another one... well, here's a list of features that should
answer your question:
· JIV supports many different file formats:
- Both standard DataTypes and the enhanced 24-bit DataTypes.
- GIF (full GIF87a standard plus a subset of GIF89a).
- BMP (MS-Windows and OS/2 variants, currently only uncompressed).
- IFF-ILBM (including HAM6, HAM8, EHB and 24bit formats).
- PNM pictures (PBM, PGM and PPM in both binary and ASCII format).
- PCX (8bit/VGA, 24 bit, monochrome and _some_ 4 bit)
- JPEG/JFIF, if the JPEG CODEC is installed.
- a reasonable subset of the TIFF 6.0 standard, including 1, 8 and 24 bit
pictures in the compression types 1, 5 and 32773. JIV does not support
the so-called "NeXT TIFF" format yet, but I'm working on the problems
involved. Patience, please. :)
· JIV supports several types of display hardware:
- all native graphics chipsets (OCS, ECS and AGA).
- Cybergraphics emulation.
- A2024.
- Picasso-II/Village emulation.
- Generic mode, should work with every graphics board that emulates
Workbench/Intuition. Tested with the Picasso-II emulation and the
Cybergraphics emulation.
· JIV supports displaying over-sized images using autoscroll.
· JIV can re-scale images that are too large for your display.
· JIV supports multiple filenames and AmigaDOS pattern matching.
· JIV can dither pictures that use more colors than your display hardware
· JIV offers an endless/slideshow mode that can be used for
(non-interactive) advertising, for example in a shop window.
Please note that JIV is probably not the best choice for "small" Amiga
configurations. It will need a lot of memory and (in some cases) quite a bit
of computing power as well.
The minimum configuration for JIV is:
· 68000 or better.
· AmigaOS 2.04 (V37) or better.
· 1 MByte or more of RAM.
This configuration should allow you to view small to medium-sized pictures
(640x480x8 should just be possible).
The suggested configuration for JIV is:
· 68030 or better.
· AmigaOS 3.1 (V40) or better.
· 4 MBytes of RAM or more.
· Hard disk drive.
This configuration will allow you to view most pictures you're likely to
find. A bit more RAM wouldn't hurt, though. :-) And of course you'll need a
graphics board if you want to display true-color pictures without dithering.
Distribution License
This version of JIV may be distributed freely for non-commercial purposes
only. You must distribute the entire archive INTACT and UNCHANGED, that is,
you are NOT allowed to add files to the archive or remove files from the
archive or change files in the archive.
Specifically, you're allowed to:
· Distribute JIV on floppy-disk-based collections of PD software.
· Distribute JIV on CDROM-based collections of PD software IN ARCHIVED FORM
· Distribute JIV electronically, for example through email or FTP, or
through BBS systems.
BBS sysops, do NOT add those pesky BBS advertisments to the archive!
Specifically, you're NOT allowed to:
· Distribute subsets of the archive or changed/patched versions of the
files in this archive.
· Distribute JIV on CDROM in ready-to-run form, unless you obtain a
specific license from the author first.
· Distribute JIV in any form on CDROMs that contain picture collections,
unless you obtain a specific license from the author first.¹
· Distribute JIV bundled together with a commercial product (software,
hardware or other), unless you obtain a specific license from the author
I have been informed that in the U.S. a patent has been granted for the LZW
compression algorithm used in the GIF file format, and that the patent
holder requires a license fee for use of this algorithm in commercial
software (including shareware). Therefore I will not ask for any shareware
fees from U.S. users of JIV.
Please do not confuse this distribution license, which details the terms and
conditions for DISTRIBUTING JIV, with the shareware license which details
the terms and conditions for USING JIV.
¹ Permission is granted to include ARCHIVED versions of JIV on the following
CDROMs even if these CDROMs contain picture collections:
· Aminet
· Saar/AMOK
Angela Schmidt has my permission to install JIV in both archived and
ready-to-run form on her Meeting-Pearls CDROMs.
Fred Fish has my permission to install JIV in both archived and
ready-to-run form on his FreshFish CDROMs.
· support for additional image file formats:
- Icon
- Targa
- others
· AREXX port
· Image manipulation and format conversion.
Known problems:
· If you're using an A4000/040 kickstart file on a computer with a
CPU <= 68020, the DISPLAY=GENERIC may crash your machine. This is not a
bug in JIV. The BestModeIDA() system call in the A4000 kickfile seems to
contain an instruction that is only available on 68030 and above.
As far as I can tell, there are only two kinds of people who use A4000
kickstart files on CPUs below 68030: former registered developers, and
software pirates.