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READ.ME 04.09.92
The following files make up the standard distribution for GL and
its fellow programs.
grasp/anim.gl Simple animation for anim.gl.info.
grasp/anim.gl.info Icon for animations.
grasp/commands.man GRASP commands and fades.
grasp/gl The player.
grasp/glfont The font extracter.
grasp/glib The librarian.
grasp/libs/iff.library Christian A. Weber's iff.library, v22.3.
grasp/pic2hl HamLab filter for .PIC/.CLPs.
read.me This file.
In addition to the above, the following libraries are used by
the software, and may be required as noted.
By Angela Schmidt. Required by GLIB, the librarian. I can
provide version 5.0, though I would prefer you to look
elsewhere first. An address from the documentation is:
By Nico François. Required by GL, the player. Comes in
two flavors, KS1.3 and KS2.0. I can provide either, and
have version 38.693 from the reqtools2.0 distribution.
By U. Dominik Mueller and colleagues. Required by both
the librarian and player for existing files which use
XPK, but optional (strongly recommended) otherwise. I
can't distribute this yet, but the Usenet address in
the documentation is: "umueller@amiga.physik.unizh.ch".
2.0 First public release of 2.x generation.
2.1 GLIB now uses iff.library instead of ilbm.library. The
latter seemed to have problems reading some files.
GL no longer does range checking on the W/H/D parameters
to the video command. So you can now open HIRES 5-plane
displays, etc.
GLIB now defaults to XPK off, instead of XPK NUKE. This is
because of problems I am having with XPK. The current 1.0
version available to me seems to be unusable for the kind
of compression parameters GLIB requires.
GLIB now defaults to Amiga format when creating archives.
The "-a" option has been removed, and the "-p" option has
been added to allow the creation of PClone archives.
GLFONT has been created from an earlier work by Francis
Gardner. The idea is to allow the user to create clips of
text, so they can use CLOAD and CFADE instead of the
unsupported FLOAD and TEXT commands.
GL now handles the CHGCOLOR command.
GL now takes an extra parameter for CLOAD and PLOAD. This
is TYPE, either "FAST" or "CHIP", and specifies what kind
of RAM you want the data loaded into. Pictures in FAST RAM
will be displayed much more slowly than those in CHIP.
GL has had various modifications to the operation of its
file requester. A pattern gadget has been added, and a bug
with selecting files with an empty directory field has
been fixed.
Contents of gfx/show/gl2p1.lzh
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 251 724 34.7% -lh5- b550 Sep 9 1992 grasp.info
[generic] 381 8248 4.6% -lh5- e634 Sep 9 1992 grasp/anim.gl
[generic] 240 1029 23.3% -lh5- 5cd8 Sep 9 1992 grasp/anim.gl.info
[generic] 4492 13181 34.1% -lh5- 629b Sep 9 1992 grasp/commands.man
[generic] 453 1755 25.8% -lh5- 6c9c Sep 9 1992 grasp/commands.man.info
[generic] 14965 28080 53.3% -lh5- a923 Sep 9 1992 grasp/gl
[generic] 484 1519 31.9% -lh5- f60d Sep 9 1992 grasp/gl.info
[generic] 2384 5336 44.7% -lh5- afb9 Sep 9 1992 grasp/gl.man
[generic] 450 1755 25.6% -lh5- dfa3 Sep 9 1992 grasp/gl.man.info
[generic] 5965 9904 60.2% -lh5- 4e4e Sep 9 1992 grasp/glfont
[generic] 1127 2301 49.0% -lh5- fcf4 Sep 9 1992 grasp/glfont.man
[generic] 453 1755 25.8% -lh5- 7cd0 Sep 9 1992 grasp/glfont.man.info
[generic] 12755 23104 55.2% -lh5- c457 Sep 9 1992 grasp/glib
[generic] 3053 7922 38.5% -lh5- 4666 Sep 9 1992 grasp/glib.man
[generic] 456 1755 26.0% -lh5- e9d7 Sep 9 1992 grasp/glib.man.info
[generic] 2254 3164 71.2% -lh5- 6ecb Sep 9 1992 grasp/libs/iff.library
[generic] 3784 15532 24.4% -lh5- 6c41 Sep 9 1992 grasp/pic2hl
[generic] 1810 3878 46.7% -lh5- f7ed Sep 9 1992 grasp/pic2hl.man
[generic] 447 1755 25.5% -lh5- 4d09 Sep 9 1992 grasp/pic2hl.man.info
[generic] 1478 3526 41.9% -lh5- 1431 Sep 9 1992 read.me
[generic] 452 1755 25.8% -lh5- 3bb4 Sep 9 1992 read.me.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 21 files 58134 137978 42.1% Dec 13 1992
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