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Short: | The fastest Xing mpeg player! Cgfx/AGA/ECS |
Author: | corneliusen triumph.no (Nils Corneliusen) |
Uploader: | corneliusen triumph no (Nils Corneliusen) |
Type: | gfx/show |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1997-09-18 |
Download: | gfx/show/XingPlay.lha - View contents | Readme: | gfx/show/XingPlay.readme |
Downloads: | 728 |
XingPlay v1.1 by Triumph
What is XingPlay?
XingPlay is the fastest XING-style Mpeg player available for the
Amiga. In order to be fast, it cuts a lot of corners. For instance,
there is no error checking on the file, it has better be correct!
Also, the files must be in so called Xing-Mpeg format, ie. only
I-frames and a resolution of 160x120.
The previous version of XingPlay was released as "unsupported"
software. Now that I have got some more time on my hands, I've
decided to fix the worst bugs and maybe add a feature or two. Stay
tuned for further improvements...
What's hot...
* the fastest Xing-Mpeg player available for the Amiga!
* supports Cybergraphics with custom made render routines
for all 16 and 32 bit modes.
* very fast 2x2 AGA HAM8 mode.
* extremely fast GREY modes.
* Works on ECS based machines in 16 color grey mode.
* double buffering in all modes.
* loads entire Mpeg at once - no jerking.
* animation can be looped.
- An amiga :-)
- A 68020 processor or better
- OS 3.0+ is nice, but it has been reported to work on 2.0 systems
Version info
Changed the arguments.
Fixed the nasty TIMING bug. Should be safe now.
Fixed the loading routines.
Added LOOP mode. Specifies the number of repetitions.
Added more statistics after playing.
Stats shown even if playback is interrupted.
Initial release.
More Information
For more information about Triumph, try our web site:
There you'll find cool information about other projects, my own
homepage and the like. Remember to use a cool browser that supports
frames, or it'll be a waste of time!
Legal stuff
XingPlay is released as freeware. Use it as you wish. This readme
file must always accompany the executable.
email: corneliusen@triumph.no (try spelling the name right!)
www: http://www.triumph.no
snail: Nils Corneliusen
Frydens gate 5A
0564 Oslo
Contents of gfx/show/XingPlay.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 21495 47840 44.9% -lh5- 2e05 Sep 16 1997 XingPlay
[generic] 3344 7491 44.6% -lh5- 0888 Sep 16 1997 XingPlay.doc
[generic] 1190 2365 50.3% -lh5- cfde Sep 16 1997 XingPlay.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 26029 57696 45.1% Sep 17 1997
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