What is it?
Show is a picture viewer for CyberGraphics systems.
It can decode the next picture formats:
IFF(24bits),JPEG,PNG,BMP and RAW
It open on a CyberGraphics screen (16/24bits) only.
Invocation from a shell:
- a mixture of filenames, patterns and directories:
Example pattern : RAM:T/#?30#?.tiff
Example directory : RAM:T/ (equivalent to RAM:T/#?. You have to put the '/'
at the end to indicate a directory!)
- alternative prefs file to load at startup (default is ENV:Show.prefs).
The screen mode (in decimal)
Open on Workbench screen.
Mode window, e.g. non-backdrop.
Only for custom screens. On public screens, the mode is always windowmode.
If you want endless loop in viewing.
If you do not want the errors being reported.
Force the mode requester to appear before the program starts.
Open the progress window when loading a picture.
Save files crypted.
Preserve files dates.
Open a requester to ask if you want to overwrite a file.
Click with the mouse in the main window loads the next picture.
Take precedence over the FILES argument.
When present, Show will read the list file given instead of reading images directly.
The list file is made of lines of text, each of which is a file name.
Show ...(blahblah)... LIST RAM:mylist
and the content of the file RAM:mylist is:
JPEG save quality (default=80).
Load JPEG in grayscale.
JPEG picture sizing when loading (0=auto, 1=full, 2=1/2, 4=1/4, 8=1/8; default=1).
Mode slideshow.
Each image is displayed n seconds before the next is loaded.
You can break this by hitting the ESCAPE key or by a menu item.
When an image is changed, the slide is paused. To resume it, save the
image or go to another image.
You can decide how much time each image is displayed in slideshow mode.
Changing the delay is possible (menu item).
Special mode; the program stay in memory and do nothing until it receive a command.
Two commands possible:
a) QUIT: quit the program ;)
b) LOAD: load a file and display it.
The executable ShowZombie is there to send a command to Show.
These options take precedence over the preferences saved.
You can also invoque Show simply by
and a filerequester will appear for you to choose your files.
Invocation from Workbench:
The tooltypes are the same than when starting from a shell except there are no
You can use the shortcuts.
Not much to say, apart for the Compose menu:
Compose allow you to...compose several images in a big one.
To achieve that, you have to 'memorize' the images first.
So say you want to compose image1.jpg, image2.jpg, image3.jpg and image4.jpg:
- a) load the images (!)
- b) while each image is displayed, memorize it (menu 'Image/Memory/Memorize Image')
- c) compose (menu 'Image/Memory/Compose Memorized Images')
Here you can choose the layout and the space between images.
Press 'OK' to save it.
Note: Pressing HELP in the main window help to remember some keyboard shortcuts
while composing or cropping.
Files compacted/crypted with XPK are OK.
You can even crypt your images from within the program.
The preferences are saved in ENVARC:Show.prefs ('Save') and ENV:Show.prefs ('Use').
You can load and save alternatives prefs files.
Files comment are always preserved.
You can customize the keyboard as you like.
Special keys:
ESCAPE: quit.
SPACE: go to next image.
RETURN: go to next image.
HELP: change preferences.
CURSORS: move in the image.
F1: increment (SHIFT=decrement) red by 5.
F2: increment (SHIFT=decrement) green by 5.
F3: increment (SHIFT=decrement) blue by 5.
F6: increment (SHIFT=decrement) brightness by 5.
F7: increment (SHIFT=decrement) contrast by 5.
F8: increment (SHIFT=decrement) gamma by 5.
I've decided to release only the PPC version.
If you want the 68040 version, e-mail me, please.
This program is TOTALLY FREE.
I'm NOT a programmer, so please forgive me if you find bugs!
Anyway, your comments are always welcome; PLEASE email me
if you have bugs reports, comments, encouragements, etc...
- At last!! :/ Workbench/PublicScreens version (16/24 bits of course...).
- You can now choose your prefered fonts in preferences.
- ixemul.library is not needed anymore.
- Corrected bad handling of file names on command line in certain situations (thanks to Andre Reichl).
- Selection of a mixture of dirs/files in one shot in requester.
- Bufferization of dir content in requester.
- Loading/adding/saving of list files from within program.
- Adding/removing files.
- Modification of protections bits.
- Watch directory. Watch for new files and display it automatically.
- New sizing facilities.
- Remember load path, lists path and watchdir path.
- New prefs version. Use the command prefs2_prefs3 to convert.
- ShowZombie is now pure (you can make it resident).
- Change : ESCAPE key now quit the program.
- New Filetypes : IFF, GIF(PPC) and BMP(PPC)
- Request user if image was modified.
- Remember last save path.
- Alternative prefs files (loading/saving).
- Mixture of filenames, dirs and patterns on command line. This means you can now
select several files in a Opus lister, for example, and display them in one go.
(suggestion from D.J. Nick)
- Special keys to increment/decrement colors,brightness,contrast and gamma directly.
See 'Special keys'.
(suggestion from Franck Delhomme!)
- PPC version: realtime effects adjustments.
- Windows positions are now saved automatically before quitting.
(suggestion from Andre Reichl)
- You can now memorise images without they appear in the compose list.
(suggestion from Andre Reichl)
- New prefs file format. To convert your old prefsfile, use the command old2newprefs
- PPC version.
The JPG (load/save), PNG (load/save) and the effects are compiled for PPC for now.
The modules 'ShowEffects.elf', 'ShowPng.elf' and 'ShowJpeg.elf' must reside in the same
directory as ShowPPC.
- ShowZombie bug fixed. Now you can pass a relative file-path; the path will be passed to
Show in an absolute form (e.g. 'pics/mypic.jpg' --> 'DH0:data/misc/pics/mypic.jpg').
- Mode slideshow
- Mode Zombie
- Some bugs fixes
- Show can now be started from WB.
- Preferences grouped into a window.
- While browsing the memorized pictures in the 'Goto memorized' window, you now see
the images directly.
- Added the LIST/K argument in the command line.
- The grayscale images are now loaded/saved as grayscale in TIFF format
- Added Gamma for PNG loading
- More prefs are saved now
- Load and save TIFF images.
- Now you can resize the picture freely.
- New menu item: Gamma correction.
- ATTENTION : ixemul.library is now needed!
- ATTENTION : new prefs file format...sorry! :(