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Short:Very fast PowerPC (WarpOS) JPEG-Viewer
Author: stefan.robl at (Stefan Robl)
Uploader:stefan robl tirnet de (Stefan Robl)
Download:gfx/show/PPCjpeg.lha - View contents

  This program is a simple but very fast jpeg viewer for Amigas having
  a PPC inside and WarpOS running.
  The viewer supports as far as I know all image types of JPEG and opens
  a window on a public screen (default: default public screen).
  The public screen must be running under CyberGraphX or Picasso96 in
  Hi/True-Color (>=15 Bit).
  PPCjpeg is also able to display images which are bigger than your
  Workbench screen, you can scroll around in the image (using scroll-bars
  and/or the cursor keys).

  The cursor key-scrolling supports the following types:
  - 20-pixel scrolling (just press the cursor keys)
  - 200-pixel scrolling (press SHIFT together with the cursor keys)
  - single pixel scrolling (ALT and the cursor keys)
  - "border jumping" (ALT, SHIFT and the cursor keys together)

  The program also displays the file name, size (pixels), raw-size (kb/MB)
  and the type (COLOR, GRAYSCALE) of the loaded JPEG image.

  PPCjpeg also supports to save the decoded image as PPM-file (just use
  the menu entry "Save as PPM...").

  PPCjpeg File/M,Left/N,Top/N,Width/N,Height/N,Center/S,AbortLeft/S,PubScreen/K

  File         : filename of an JPEG-image or nothing -> FileRequester
  Left, Top    : left/top-Edge of the window (optional)
  Width, Height: max. width/height of the window (optional)
  Center       : centers the window on the screen (optional)
  AbortLeft    : close the window with a simple left mousebutton click
  PubScreen    : name of a Hi/TrueColor-Public Screen to open the window on (optional)

  Example: PPCjpeg dh4:image4.jpg Center
           (opens the picture "dh4:image4.jpg" centered on the workbench)

  o AmigaOS 3.x+ (successfully tested with OS 3.1 and 3.0)
  o CyberGraphX or Picasso96 with a Workbench running in HiColor (>=15 Bit)
  o enough RAM to hold the complete image data (>=32MB recommended!)
  o PowerPC-Board
  o WarpOS, successfully tested with WarpUP Release 3, but works also under V7
    (Thanks to Robert Nilsson for reporting this to me!)
    WarpOS is available at under the PPC download area.

  PPCjpeg is FREEWARE. I would be happy to get an eMail if you like/use
  it or if you have any questions about this program.

  This JPEG viewer is based on the sources of the Independent JPEG Group (V6b).

  - Multible file support for the requester & dos parameters
  - Additional fileformats
  - New GUI
  - Zooming
  - Rotation
  - and all of your ideas... ;)

  V1.0:  (30.12.98)
         ** first public release **

  V1.1:  (02.01.99)
         - Added an ASL-Requester if no filename is specified
           Thanks to Lars Broweleit for this suggestion!
         - Added PublicScreen-support (keyword "PubScreen")
           Thanks again, Lars!
         - Removed the superbitmap-stuff and replaced it by own scrolling
           routines (-> much faster). This should save also a little
           bit memory...
         - Added <Esc> button event to close the window by keyboard
           Thanks to Audun Evensen for this suggestion!
         - Added full keyboard-support (scrolling with cursors, shift, alt)
         - Added the Keywords "Center", "Left", "Top", "Width", "Height" for
           pre-defined window-positions
         - Improvements of the error abort function
         - Now it's possible to save the decoded image as PPM-file!
  V1.11: (03.01.99)
         - dramatically speedup on window refreshes
  V1.12: (11.01.99)
         - Sven Ottemann told me that there are JPEG-images which cannot
           be shown with PPCjpeg V1.1, these image files have illegal
           headers, I changed a little bit to ignore those headers.
           Many thanks for this info, Sven!
         - Changed the window menu to newlook, forgot to set the flag...
         - Now PPCjpeg only displays the filename without the whole path
           in the window-titlebar
  V1.2:  (15.01.99)
         - Fixed (finally) the bug which prevented PPCjpeg to read all
           jpeg files. The problem was an illegal jpeg format saved
           with "Adobe Photoshop"... I removed this problem by using the
           latest sources of "The Independent JPEG Group" (V6b).
         - Added the tooltype "AbortLeft" which allows to close the window
           with a simple left click on it...
           Thanks to Manfred Ambros for this idea, I like it! :)
         - Added wheelmouse support. This is yet untestet but it should work...
           Thanks to Audun E. for this idea!
  V1.21: (18.01.99)
         - Increased the jumps with wheelmouse by three (Thanks Audun!).
         - Finally removed the NewLookMenu-bug... well, CGX displayed it on
           my computer always right... grrr... :) (Thanks to Tim Riedel!)
  V1.22: (17.03.99)
         - Removed a problem with refreshing window, now it should work
           correctly. Thanks Audun for reporting this... ;)
         - Added the new mousewheel (left-right)-functions provided by
           newmouse (by Alessandro Zummo). Thanks Audun!
         - PPCjpeg should now be about at least 8-10% faster than 1.21 and
           below because I now use the newest StormC linkerlibs... ;)
           I also raised the height of the decode-stripe to 150 pixels,
           this minimizes the context switches a little bit more and
           I think that decoding is now even faster... :)

  Stefan Robl <>
  More infos about ArtecScan, PPCjpeg and my other Projects?

  Just visit my Homepage:

Have fun!

Contents of gfx/show/PPCjpeg.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                57045  142080  40.1% -lh5- c260 Mar 17  1999 PPCjpeg
[generic]                 2559    5828  43.9% -lh5- c832 Mar 17  1999 PPCjpeg.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         2 files   59604  147908  40.3%            Mar 19  1999
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