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Short:Tiny ILBM/Anim viewer, supports XPK
Download:gfx/show/MUGiff1_12.lha - View contents

>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                                 <<<<<<<<<<<<<     
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>D o c u m e n t a t i o n   f o r   M U G i f f<<<<<<<<<<<<<<     
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                                 <<<<<<<<<<<<<     
                           (c) 1993 by Mark Rose                                
   Since in the last versions nobody had the 'grace' to drop me a single        
 line (even by EMail which does not cost anything) I changed the status of      
                              this program to                                   
                              M A I L W A R E .                                 
   This means that everybody who uses this program longer than a day is         
      REQUIRED to send me mail by any means. Otherwise he is a pirate           
                            (and a louse, too).                                 
  -   >>NEW SINCE 1.12<<                                                        
    Finally  verified  AGA-support!   Thanks  to  Jeff Hobbs for helping me     
    finding  the  AGA-bugs  (he was also the first and only one who sent me     
    mail  regarding MUGiff).  HAM8 and 256 color pictures can be pre-viewed     
    on non-AGA machines (in 16 colors but better than nothing).                 
  -   >>NEW SINCE 1.11<<                                                        
    Now  you can play animations!  You can even crunch your animations with     
    XPK!   Gives  much  better  results than PowerPacker AND MUGiff is 6000     
    bytes  shorter  than  PPShow  (though  not as feature packed)!  Combine     
    pictures  and  animations of any type and watch!  This version is again     
    SHORTER (550 Bytes!) than the previous!                                     
  -   >>NEW SINCE 1.11<<                                                        
    Tested with the new ENFORCER (Fish 800)! I couldn't find a single hit!      
  -   >>NEW SINCE 1.10<<                                                        
    Finally  the  ability to save uncompressed IFF-pictures has been added.     
    With  XPK  (HUFF 100%) you can save 2 up to 20KBytes.                       
  -   >>NEW SINCE 1.09<<                                                        
    MUGiff  now  supports MultiSelection!  Especially useful for disk-based     
    systems.  Select all the files you want and display them.                   
  -   >>NEW SINCE 1.06<<                                                        
    MUGiff  now comes with handdrawn Icons!  Why this?  Workbench usability     
    was greatly improved (e.g. ability to suppress annoying WB-window).         
  -   >>NEW SINCE 1.06<<                                                        
    MUGiff  now  invokes  the  ReqTools  FileRequester  when no argument is     
    supplied AND ReqTools has been installed.                                   
  -   >>NEW SINCE 1.03<<                                                        
    Pictures  larger  than  the  screen  can  be  scrolled.                     
      >>NEW SINCE 1.04<<                                                        
    The IDCMP-loop is done faster now, speeding scrolling up on 68000 based     
    Amigas (suggested by Thies Wellpott on Fish 771).                           
  - Displays just any ILBM imagineable (except nested IFFs)                     
  - KS  1.2,  1.3,  2.04,  3.0 compatible                                       
  - Runs  on  ANY  Amiga (hopefully) thanks to IFF-library.                     
  - Can  display any number of pictures (under KS2.04, because of unlimited     
    commandline length)                                                         
  - XPK-support. XPKmaster.library must be installed though.                    
  - EXTREMELY SHORT! This version: 7052 bytes! (+ iff.library 3164 bytes)       
  - Supports  OverScan (even under KS1.2/1.3).                                  
  - IFF24bit  pictures  can  be  displayed.                                     
                               > REMEMBER: >                                    
                 IFF.library is (c) by Christian A. Weber                       
                 ReqTools.library is (c) by Nico Francois                       
  CLI: Just start it  with the name(s) of the picture(s).                       
       Example: MUGiff DH0:IFFs/THEpic.IFF DF0:WoC.HAM RAM:Irving.face.ugly     
         While displaying the picture you can scroll around using the mouse     
       (if  the  picture  is  larger  than  the  screen).  If more than one     
       picture  was  supplied  as argument you can display the next picture     
       with  the  left  mousebutton (or press any key) and abort the entire     
       display with the right mousebutton.                                      
         Since  1.6  you  needn't  provide an argument at all.  This causes     
       MUGiff  to look for ReqTools.library.  If it can find the library it     
       will  open a FileRequester for you and (since 1.9) you can select as     
       many  files  as you want to.  Just hold down the SHIFT-key and click     
       on  the  files  you  want  to  view.   You  can also use the gadgets     
       provided  by the requester (which should be self-explanatory but for     
       full documentation see ReqTools.doc)                                     
         A  new feature has been added since 1.10:  The ability to save the     
       currently  displayed  picture.   Just  press 's' and the old picture     
       will  be  overwritten  with  an  uncompressed  version  and the next     
       picture (if any) will be displayed.  This way you can convert MBytes     
       of  pictures  for  use  with  better  packers than RunLengthEncoding     
       (RLE).   ATTENTION:   see  the  section  'Known  Features' for a bug     
       occuring with EHB-pictures!                                              
         Since  1.11  MUGiff  is also able to play animations (ANIM OPT 5)!     
       You  can  use the same selection methods as for pictures.  To finish     
       the  playback  press  CTRL  + C and the next file will be displayed.     
       You  can  mix animations and pictures any way you want to (ideal for     
  WB : 1. Make  MUGiff  the default-tool of your picture icon, double-click     
  ----    it and enjoy                                                          
       2. Via  extended  selection.   That is click on the MUGiff icon with     
          the  mouse and hold down the shift-key.  Then double-click on the     
          picture icon(s).  (and enjoy yourself THEN).                          
       3. If  you have ReqTools installed:  double-click on the MUGiff icon     
          and  a  FileRequester  will appear.  Choose your file(s) (Details     
          can be found in 'CLI'-section above).                                 
         The  program  automatically  opens a window to display information     
       about  the  pictures  (resolution,  depth and wether it is an iff or     
       not).   If  this annoys you (especially the 'press >>RETURN<<') give     
       the  icon an ToolType entry "WINDOW=NIL:".  You can also specify the     
       dimensions of the window:                                                
       (the latter three for Kick 2.04 users only).                             
       See CLI (above) for more features and details...                         
How to contact me:                                                              
  There are many ways. Here they are in order of preference:                    
  - Via EMail    :                             
                                            >InterNet<         no UUEncoded     
                                            binaries! I cannot save mail to     
                                            disk there!                         
                   ukkg@dkauni2.bitnet      >BitNet< same as above              
          >InterNet<if there are problems     
                                            to  contact  me   under   above     
                                            addresses [did happen!]             
  - Via Mailbox  : FidoNet: Mark Rose 2:241/7506.2 (Gio's Home)                 
  - Snail Mail   : Mark Rose                  Mark Rose                         
                   Waldhornstr. 36, D604      Franz-Volk-Str. 37                
                   7500 Karlsruhe             7600 Offenburg                    
                   GERMANY                    GERMANY                           
                   (during Semester)          (you may always reach me there    
                                               but may take a while...)         
 ____   ONLY   ____  _____  ____                                                
| __ ||\    /||_  _|| ____|| __ |  "Harry : What do you recommend for a         
||__||||\  //|  ||  || ___ ||__||           hangover?                           
| __ |||\\//||  ||  |||___|| __ |   Annie : Teetotaling and prayer.             
||  |||| \/ || _||_ ||___||||  ||   Cooper: Good answer.                        
||  ||||    |||____||_____|||  ||   Harry : I'll try some coffee."              
             makes it possible...                                Twin Peaks     

Contents of gfx/show/MUGiff1_12.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  271     628  43.2% -lh5- a98a Jan 28  1993
[generic]                10092   17964  56.2% -lh5- 5230 Jan 28  1993 MUGiff/c/MuchMore
[generic]                 3652    6184  59.1% -lh5- e542 Jan 28  1993 MUGiff/c/XIcon
[generic]                 1461    3817  38.3% -lh5- 5716 Feb 19  1993 MUGiff/History.DEF
[generic]                  321     841  38.2% -lh5- 94a1 Feb  5  1993 MUGiff/
[generic]                  428     895  47.8% -lh5- 8f81 Jan 28  1993 MUGiff/Install_IFFlib
[generic]                  301     466  64.6% -lh5- 47b1 Feb  5  1993 MUGiff/
[generic]                  435     902  48.2% -lh5- 04c2 Jan 28  1993 MUGiff/Install_ReqTools1.3
[generic]                  298     466  63.9% -lh5- d40e Feb  5  1993 MUGiff/
[generic]                  436     903  48.3% -lh5- fb19 Jan 28  1993 MUGiff/Install_ReqTools2.0
[generic]                  301     466  64.6% -lh5- 835a Feb  5  1993 MUGiff/
[generic]                  266     628  42.4% -lh5- d4f6 Feb  5  1993 MUGiff/
[generic]                 2253    3164  71.2% -lh5- 95f9 Jan 28  1993 MUGiff/libs13/IFF.library
[generic]                25900   39012  66.4% -lh5- 5ee9 Feb 19  1993 MUGiff/libs13/reqtools.library
[generic]                  273     628  43.5% -lh5- 396a Feb  5  1993 MUGiff/
[generic]                24999   38104  65.6% -lh5- 217c Feb 19  1993 MUGiff/libs20/reqtools.library
[generic]                 4632    7024  65.9% -lh5- da82 Feb 19  1993 MUGiff/MUGiff
[generic]                 9023   20531  43.9% -lh5- 1755 Feb 19  1993 MUGiff/MUGiff.Deutsch
[generic]                  325     841  38.6% -lh5- e1fb Feb  5  1993 MUGiff/
[generic]                 8126   18947  42.9% -lh5- 7037 Feb 19  1993 MUGiff/MUGiff.English
[generic]                  323     841  38.4% -lh5- df2a Feb  5  1993 MUGiff/
[generic]                  283     472  60.0% -lh5- d4e0 Feb  5  1993 MUGiff/
[generic]                  270     628  43.0% -lh5- ef4b Feb  5  1993 MUGiff/
[generic]                 2428    9279  26.2% -lh5- eb28 Feb 19  1993 MUGiff/txt/IFFLib.def
[generic]                  328     842  39.0% -lh5- e363 Feb  5  1993 MUGiff/txt/
[generic]                 6981   23619  29.6% -lh5- 52db Feb 19  1993 MUGiff/txt/MUGiff.MOD
[generic]                  323     842  38.4% -lh5- 9c0a Jan 28  1993 MUGiff/txt/
[generic]                 5825   23487  24.8% -lh5- 2ec4 Feb 19  1993 MUGiff/txt/ReqTools.def
[generic]                  328     842  39.0% -lh5- b3d7 Jan 28  1993 MUGiff/txt/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        29 files  110882  223263  49.7%            Feb 19  1993
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