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Showing: ppc-amigaos icongeneric icon
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Found 77 matching packages
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
os4theme.lha pix/theme 4019 828K 2005-12-12 generic icon AmigaOS4 Theme for Classic Amigas running OS3.x - (readme)
PaperBlue.lha 0.5 pix/theme 1672 105K 2002-12-01 generic icon Modern Hi-Colour Paper Blue WB Skin Set (Visualprefs) - (readme)
PlayCD-skin2.lha pix/theme 1348 44K 2001-12-06 generic icon Skin for PlayCD (AmigaOS3.9) - (readme)
PlayCD-skins.lha pix/theme 1000 303K 2001-11-25 generic icon Skins for PlayCD (AmigaOS3.9) - (readme) pix/theme 362 163K 2006-02-09 generic icon Purple Theme for AmigaOS 4 - (readme) pix/theme 171 70K 2009-11-05 generic icon Purple Ice Theme for AROS - (readme) v1 pix/theme 451 76K 2012-06-26 generic icon Retrofunk AROS Theme - (readme)
SASkin5.lha pix/theme 364 66K 2003-09-20 generic icon 1 more skin for Kaya player (MOS) - (readme)
SASkin6.lha pix/theme 321 64K 2003-11-24 generic icon Saskin number 6 for Kaya player (MOS) - (readme)
Skin2PSP.lha 1.0 pix/theme 539 520K 2008-04-15 generic icon Morphos Theme for PSP - (readme) 1 pix/theme 594 120K 2007-04-07 generic icon OS3.9 PlayCD skin - (readme)
sky.lha 1.0 pix/theme 958 154K 2006-08-30 generic icon [MorphOS] A skin for Ambient - (readme)
sloth.lha pix/theme 863 27K 2005-12-30 generic icon Sloth theme for VisualPrefs - (readme)
Smokealot.lha 1.0 pix/theme 776 97K 2006-02-10 generic icon Smokealot Ambient skin - (readme)
SmokealotGrey.lha 1.0 pix/theme 708 90K 2006-02-10 generic icon Smokealot Grey Ambient skin - (readme)
snowskin1.0.lha 1.0 pix/theme 844 250K 2006-08-30 generic icon MorphOS Skin - (readme)
SoundBolt.lha pix/theme 328 379K 2003-04-01 generic icon SoundBolt Workbench theme by Nowee for VP - (readme)
spacestation.lha 1.0 pix/theme 887 755K 2006-08-30 generic icon [MorphOS] A skin for Ambient - (readme)
Themepack.lha 1.1 pix/theme 597 92K 2023-05-28 generic icon VisualPrefs theme - (readme)
themes_tekken3.lha pix/theme 317 1.6M 1997-08-18 generic icon Amiga WorkBench Themes (Tekken 3 Series 1) - (readme)
theme_cartoon.lha pix/theme 307 1.8M 1997-08-18 generic icon Amiga WorkBench Themes (Cartoon Series 1) - (readme)
tombraid.lha 0.1 pix/theme 262 711K 1999-04-02 generic icon Tombraider Workbench Theme - (readme)
trimas_skin.lha 1.0 pix/theme 531 662K 2006-08-30 generic icon Skin for MorphOS - (readme)
WorkbenchXP.lha pix/theme 807 47K 2003-02-10 generic icon Windows XP Theme for VisualPrefs - (readme) pix/theme 303 90K 2007-08-18 generic icon AROS: XP Dream Theme - (readme) pix/theme 287 94K 2007-08-18 generic icon AROS: XP Default Theme - (readme)
zzz.lha 1.0 pix/theme 615 11K 2006-03-09 generic icon Sleepy busy pointer in the 2.0 style - (readme)
Found 77 matching packages
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