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Showing: ppc-amigaos icongeneric icon
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Short:Retrofunk AROS Theme
Author:Shufflepuck Café
Uploader:cafeshufflepuck gmail com (Shufflepuck Café)
Download:pix/theme/ - View contents


Retrofunk AROS (v.1) is an AROS theme plus icon pack, 
original Retrofukation Icons by Jamie -jg- (,
I simply converted them to PNG/INFO and created the pack manually.
Theme is inspired by the Retrofukation suite and created from scratch.


Archive "" includes themes and decorations, 
unpack it and copy to your SYS:System/Themes dir.

Archive "" inlcudes a complete icon set,
including def_Icons. The included SYS:Prefs/Presets/Patterns contains
some Wanderer backdrops and window patterns to match the theme.
Some application icons are included (OWB, MPlayer, DOpus).

FOR "".


- Tested on AROS Nightly Builds, use at your own risk!
- Pay attention to your icon Tooltypes before copying def_Icons!
- Greets to all AROS Users and Devs!

Shufflepuck Café

Uploaded using:

Contents of pix/theme/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//pix/theme/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/images/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/images/Gadgets/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/images/Gadgets/Prefs/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/menu/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/menu/AmigaKey/
    2895  Defl:N     2900  -0% 2012-06-09 07:01 4fe52f92  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/menu/AmigaKey/default
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/menu/Background/
    3307  Defl:N     3300   0% 2012-06-09 06:55 21f3caac  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/menu/Background/default
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/menu/Checkmark/
    2916  Defl:N     2921  -0% 2012-06-09 06:57 1adb14f2  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/menu/Checkmark/default
     155  Defl:N       86  45% 2012-06-09 07:22 6e6b6e4e  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/menu/config
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/menu/SubMenu/
    2861  Defl:N     2866  -0% 2012-06-09 06:58 21605676  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/menu/SubMenu/default
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Arrowdown/
    2921  Defl:N     2926  -0% 2012-05-20 08:51 583c856a  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Arrowdown/default
     582  Defl:N      587  -1% 2012-06-24 10:58 16a8027f  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Arrowdown/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Arrowleft/
    2956  Defl:N     2961  -0% 2012-05-20 08:55 cf729f60  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Arrowleft/default
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Arrowright/
    2977  Defl:N     2982  -0% 2012-05-20 08:57 e58c95dd  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Arrowright/default
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Arrowup/
    2879  Defl:N     2884  -0% 2012-05-20 08:52 bc12086b  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Arrowup/default
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Checkmark/
    4258  Defl:N      192  96% 2012-05-16 03:46 c719675f  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Checkmark/Default
    1538  Defl:N      326  79% 2012-05-16 03:46 c828afb2  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Checkmark/Default.amap
     498  Defl:N      235  53% 2012-05-16 03:46 07e57d5e  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Checkmark/
    1876  Defl:N      470  75% 2012-05-16 03:46 93050f7c  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Checkmark/Default.omap
     449  Defl:N      452  -1% 2012-05-16 03:46 9a09d413  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Checkmark/default.png
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Close/
    2966  Defl:N     2971  -0% 2012-05-18 08:19 590bb65a  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Close/default
    1683  Defl:N     1688  -0% 2012-05-16 03:46 b305b911  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Close/extra.png
    3299  Defl:N     1061  68% 2012-06-09 07:18 4f28c2fe  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Config
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Container/
    2946  Defl:N     2951  -0% 2012-05-20 08:41 831c2673  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Container/Horizontal
    2960  Defl:N     2938   1% 2012-05-20 08:42 def5061b  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Container/Vertical
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Cycle/
     328  Defl:N      325   1% 2012-05-16 03:46 6d6a043b  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Cycle/default.png
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Depth/
    2970  Defl:N     2975  -0% 2012-05-18 09:24 b4a4ec7b  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Depth/default
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Iconify/
    2965  Defl:N     2970  -0% 2012-06-09 07:14 c521bb47  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Iconify/default
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Knob/
    2935  Defl:N     2940  -0% 2012-05-21 07:16 ed9f1ea9  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Knob/Horizontal
    2946  Defl:N     2902   2% 2012-05-21 07:18 9fad2146  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Knob/Vertical
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Popup/
     400  Defl:N      400   0% 2012-05-16 03:46 7fbefd12  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Popup/default.png
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Radio/
    1198  Defl:N     1203  -0% 2012-05-16 03:46 6e6258d2  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Radio/default.png
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/SDepth/
    2952  Defl:N     2957  -0% 2012-05-21 07:21 ac007bab  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/SDepth/default
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Size/
    2882  Defl:N     2887  -0% 2012-05-20 09:09 fdff45ad  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Size/default
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/STitlebar/
    3009  Defl:N     2962   2% 2012-05-20 09:15 c8586e4f  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/STitlebar/default
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Titlebar/
    3053  Defl:N     3055  -0% 2012-05-21 07:14 6bd7ffac  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Titlebar/default
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-06-24 10:59 00000000  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Zoom/
    2972  Defl:N     2977  -0% 2012-05-18 09:18 e20ddab6  Retrofunk_AROS_Theme_v1/system/Zoom/default
--------          -------  ---                            -------
   75532            66250  12%                            60 files
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