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Showing: ppc-amigaos icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
zlib_68k.lha 1.2.7 dev/lib 1491 357K 2012-06-24 m68k-amigaos icon data compression lib - (readme)
zlib125.lha 1.2.5 dev/lib 1002 272K 2010-04-27 ppc-amigaos icon Data compression library static/sobj - (readme)
zlib1211_aros.lha 1.2.11 dev/lib 929 175K 2018-04-29 i386-aros icon ZLib link library for Aros i386 - (readme)
zlib-source.lha 1.2.8 dev/lib 1076 859K 2014-11-30 m68k-amigaos icon General purpose data compression library - (readme)
zlib-1.3.1.lha 1.3.1 dev/lib 484 75K 2024-11-28 m68k-amigaos icon Data compression library - (readme)
unrarlib.lha 0.4.0 dev/lib 1076 257K 2008-05-18 ppc-amigaos icon UniquE RAR File Library - (readme)
unmo3-os4.lha 0.5 dev/lib 918 236K 2008-02-09 ppc-amigaos icon MO3 decompression/decoding library - (readme)
UniSupport.lha 1.0 (-beta-) dev/lib 1578 80K 2008-07-19 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon Static library; extension to Uni-Library - (readme)
uninameslist.lha 20050712 dev/lib 850 1.3M 2006-03-14 ppc-amigaos icon A Library of Unicode annotation data - (readme)
tiff-bin-m68k.lha 3.8.2 dev/lib 1332 5.3M 2009-01-07 m68k-amigaos icon TIFF utilities and SDK - (readme)
ThorLib.lha 1.0 dev/lib 998 38K 2016-12-14 m68k-amigaos icon link library w/ useful support functions - (readme)
Termcap.lzh dev/lib 933 166K 1992-09-27 m68k-amigaos icon port of GNU termcap library - (readme)
termcap-src.lha 1.3.1 dev/lib 1390 453K 2013-08-15 generic icon GNU termcap library. V1.3.1 - (readme)
termcap-os4.lha 1.3.1 dev/lib 800 490K 2006-07-27 ppc-amigaos icon GNU termcap library - (readme)
termcap-mos-bi.lha 1.3.1 dev/lib 862 352K 2004-08-22 ppc-morphos icon GNU termcap library for MorphOS - (readme)
termcap-diffs.lha 1.3.1 dev/lib 905 2K 2004-08-22 generic icon GNU termcap library, source code patch - (readme)
termcap-bin.lha 1.3.1 dev/lib 1174 393K 2013-08-15 m68k-amigaos icon GNU termcap library. V1.3.1 - (readme)
stlport.lha 4.6.2 dev/lib 716 741K 2004-08-31 m68k-amigaos icon STLport C++ standard library - (readme)
smpeg_os4.lha 0.4.4 dev/lib 757 470K 2005-06-02 ppc-amigaos icon SDL MPEG Player Library (SMPEG) - (readme)
smpeg.lha 0.4.4 dev/lib 1226 1.2M 2005-05-30 ppc-morphos icon SDL MPEG Player Library (SMPEG) - (readme)
smpeg-src.lha 0.4.4 dev/lib 931 423K 2005-06-02 generic icon SDL MPEG Player Library (SMPEG) (source) - (readme)
slre.lha 1.0 dev/lib 538 17K 2024-04-11 m68k-amigaos icon Super Light Regular Expression library - (readme)
sidplay2-resid.lha 2.0.9/2.1.1 dev/lib 1301 2.4M 2012-09-11 ppc-amigaos icon sidplay2 with ReSID support - (readme)
sfont.lha 2.0.3 dev/lib 969 1.2M 2006-09-27 ppc-amigaos icon Easy usage of bitmap fonts when using SDL - (readme)
sdl_tty-os4.lha 0.0.1 dev/lib 919 820K 2008-07-04 ppc-amigaos icon SDL TTY terminal emulator library - (readme)
sdl_ttf-os4.lha 2.0.9 dev/lib 960 31K 2008-02-13 ppc-amigaos icon SDL_TTF a Freetype 2.0 wrapper for SDL - (readme)
SDL_ttf-2.0.9-68k.lha 2.0.9 dev/lib 1119 1.6M 2009-02-13 m68k-amigaos icon SDL_ttf 2.0.9 68k - (readme)
SDL_term.lha 1.1.3 dev/lib 1048 1.1M 2012-05-29 m68k-amigaos icon ansi color terminal implementation - (readme)
sdl_sprite-os4.lha 1.2b dev/lib 905 35K 2008-02-13 ppc-amigaos icon SDLSprite - Display animated sprites - (readme)
sdl_sprite-1.2b.i386.lha 1.2b dev/lib 600 168K 2020-12-01 i386-aros icon Display animated sprites - (readme) dev/lib 582 489K 2019-04-20 m68k-amigaos icon RTG port of the SDL audio/video library - (readme)
SDL_rtf-0.1.0-68k.lha 0.1.0 dev/lib 922 577K 2009-01-26 m68k-amigaos icon Display simple RTF files - (readme)
sdl_perl.lha 1.19.2 dev/lib 1439 2.1M 2005-11-23 ppc-amigaos icon Simple DirectMedia Library Bindings for Perl - (readme)
sdl_net128_aros.lha 1.2.8 dev/lib 984 28K 2014-02-24 i386-aros icon portable network library - (readme)
SDL_net.lha 1.2.5 dev/lib 885 38K 2005-09-29 ppc-amigaos icon Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer - (readme)
SDL_net-1.2.7-68k.lha 1.2.7 dev/lib 1042 816K 2009-02-15 m68k-amigaos icon SDL_net 1.2.7 68k - (readme)
SDL_Mixer-Amiga-1_2_12.lha 1.2.12 dev/lib 1232 985K 2012-02-09 m68k-amigaos icon minimalist SDL mixer build - (readme)
SDL_Mixer-Amiga-1.2.5.lha 1.2.5 dev/lib 1512 432K 2008-09-26 m68k-amigaos icon SDL_mixer 68k - (readme)
SDL_Mixer-Amiga-1.2.0.lha 1.2.0 dev/lib 1007 864K 2011-12-05 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon SDL mixer - (readme)
sdl_image1.2.12_aros.lha 1.2.12 dev/lib 1477 939K 2014-02-24 i386-aros icon library to load images of var. formats - (readme)
sdl_image-os4.lha 1.2.6 dev/lib 918 69K 2008-02-09 ppc-amigaos icon SDL image file loading library - (readme)
SDL_image-68k-1_2_12.lha 1.2.12 dev/lib 1141 636K 2012-06-05 m68k-amigaos icon minimalist SDL image build - (readme)
SDL_image-1_2_12-png.lha 1.2.12-png dev/lib 1130 372K 2013-09-07 m68k-amigaos icon minimalist SDL image build - (readme)
sdl_gfx.lha 2.0.24 dev/lib 1152 264K 2012-12-22 ppc-amigaos icon SDL graphics drawing primitives - (readme)
sdl_eventmap-os4.lha 0.1 dev/lib 852 486K 2008-02-13 ppc-amigaos icon An uniform event-mapping library for SDL - (readme)
SDL_draw-68k-1_2_13.lha 1.2.13 dev/lib 1193 169K 2012-09-29 m68k-amigaos icon SDL drawing lib - (readme)
sdl_blitpool-os4.lha R2 dev/lib 798 408K 2008-02-13 ppc-amigaos icon Blit/Fill operation pool with optimizer - (readme)
SDL_anim-68k.lha 0.5 dev/lib 1122 474K 2012-09-29 m68k-amigaos icon SDL animation lib - (readme) dev/lib 1790 754K 2019-05-04 m68k-amigaos icon AGA port of the SDL audio/video library - (readme)
sdllayer_os4.lha 0.16 dev/lib 884 4.1M 2008-11-22 ppc-amigaos icon Layered display mechanism for SDL - (readme)
Found 349 matching packages
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