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Short:Easy usage of bitmap fonts when using SDL
Author:Karl Bartel, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / Up Rough
Uploader:aminet aminet net
Download:dev/lib/sfont.lha - View contents

-----------------------------------< SFont >------------------------------------

License: GPL or LGPL (at your choice)
Author: Karl Bartel <karlb()>

    1. Load a font and place it in an SDL_Surface *. If your are using the 
       SDL_image library you can do this with Font = IMG_Load("filename");
    2. Initialize the font by using InitFont(surface *Font);
    3. Now you can use the font in you SDL program.
       Please take a look at SFont.h to get info about the funtions.

    For more usage examples, have a look at the included example files.

File Format:
    The font file can be any type image file. The characters start with
    ASCII symbol #33. They are seperated by pink(255,0,255) lines at the top
    of the image. The space between these lines is the width of the caracter.
    Just take a look at the font, and you'll be able to understand what I tried
    to explain here.

Example for the font file format:

____       _____      _____     _____     <- This is the pink line at the top

       #        #####       ####
      # #       #    #     #
      # #       #    #     #
     #   #      #####      #
     #####      #    #     #
    #     #     #    #     #
    #     #     #####       ####

 Width of the character
Part of the font surface that is beeing blitted

How to create Fonts:
    The easiest way to create a new font is to use the GIMP's Logo function.
    Use the following string as text (ASCII 33-127 with escape sequences and
    spaces between the letters):

    ! " #   % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? () A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [  ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~

    In most other applications, you can just use the ASCII charakters without
    escape sequences:

    ! " #   % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? () A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [  ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~

    Now you have to add the pink line above the font. You can either do this 
    manually, or let SFontMaker ( do the work for
    you. SFontMaker doesn't always generate the optimal soultion, but it's 
    usually good enough, and it provides a great starting point for manual 
    font tweaking.


    Changes in C++ Wrapper by Lion Vollnhals:
 fixed typo in "SFont_TextHeighT" call
 fixed forgotten ',' in function Write
 fixed parameter order in function Write
 changed exception class to std::runtime_error which is derived from std::exception because of
     - standard conformance
     - the additional functionality of class Exception isn't used in the code
     - the code of class Exception uses non-C++ C code facilities, which are type unsafe and potentially dangerous
     - to remove the .cpp (object) file
 added overloaded functions to support the standard std::string class
    Also the class name has been changed to SFont and the Write method has been renamed to write

    Readded GPL/LGPL license choice (it got lost somehow when I put out the 2.0 version)
    Changes by Florian Hufsky <fhufsky()> (
 Added a character list without escape sequences to the readme.
 added link to SFontMaker
        removed some confusing, outdated comments SFont.h

    Fixed a compilation problem with older gcc versions (parse error before cyan)
    Added a SFont_Font cast before malloc, to make more compilers happy.

    All changes in this version were done by Matthias Braun.
    Yhis version breaks compatability in favor of a cleaner API!
    Changes in detail:
     -   SDL.h is an external library so we should do #include <SDL.h> 
     (same goes for string.h)
  -   prefixed all functions with SFont_, this is good style to avoid 
     naming conflicts with other packages which might already have 
     functions with same name.
  -   Changed FontInit procedure: You now call InitFont and get a 
     SFont_FontInfo back. YOu have to call SFont_FreeFont later to 
     release the memory. Removed all the functions which draw the 
     default font. Keep it simple by only having 1 version which draws 
     a specified font. (User can easily create their own global font)
  -   changed text parameter in several functions from char* to const 
     char*, We're not changing the text anyway
  -   renamed PutString to Write
 -   renamed XCenteredString to WriteCenter
 -   added a SFont_TextHeight function
 -   removed input function from SFont, because:
         a) it wasn't user friendly (no cursor keys, no begin/end key, ...)
     b) it's of no use for most projects since the function totally
  blocks your app. (for an ingame chat I want the game to 
  continue running, for a menu. I want the OK/Cancel buttons to 
  still work, ...)
     c) it wasn't safe for buffer overflows (evil hacker creates a font 
  with width of 1 pixel and can input very long strings then...)
     d) a lib is best when it only does 1 thing (in this case handling 
  fonts) and does this well. This keeps code small and bug free.
 -   declared internal function GetPixel static to avoid clashes with 
     other packages
 -   made the functions save to not crash on unknown characters
 -   I also converted the testapps to the new interface
 -   A C++ wrapper is included!

    really fixed serious bug

    removed one warning by adding #include <stdlib.h>
    added license info at the top of sfont.c/.h
    fixed serious bug (thanks Sulaiman)

    added #ifndef SFONT_H etc to SFont.h to allow it to be
 included multiple times with causing errors
    To handle larger charsets (>127 chars) the type of
 the 'text[i]' variable has been changed in
 PutString2 and TextWidth2

    fixed a bug in xcenteredstring2
    added return on error in GetPixel in SoFont.cpp
    SFont can be used either under the GPL or LGPL
    unicode state is restored at the end of SFont_Input
    added extern "C" defines for usage in C++ programs
    Added lock and unlock for hardware surfaces
    Added blinking cursor to SFont_Input
    Added check for ASCII<33 in SFont_Input
    TextWidth returned a too high value -> fixed

    Added support for multiple fonts in one program
    Add a missing "*" in the SFont.h file
    Proper '

Contents of dev/lib/sfont.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                16586   16858  98.4% -lh5- d194 Mar 11  2004 SFont-2.03/24P_Copperplate_Blue.png
[generic]                 3303    7306  45.2% -lh5- 475b Sep 11  2004 SFont-2.03/Docs/README
[generic]               290505  607728  47.8% -lh5- 4f64 Oct 10  2006 SFont-2.03/SFontTest1
[generic]               290678  608072  47.8% -lh5- a604 Oct 10  2006 SFont-2.03/SFontTest2
[generic]               290724  608212  47.8% -lh5- 4e5e Oct 10  2006 SFont-2.03/SFontTest3
[generic]               290719  608388  47.8% -lh5- 3294 Oct 10  2006 SFont-2.03/SFontViewer
[generic]                  459    1125  40.8% -lh5- 1d82 Sep 11  2004 SFont-2.03/Source/c++wrapper/examples.txt
[generic]                  818    1636  50.0% -lh5- cb08 Sep 11  2004 SFont-2.03/Source/c++wrapper/Font.hpp
[generic]                  460    1060  43.4% -lh5- e410 Oct 10  2006 SFont-2.03/Source/Makefile
[generic]                 1769    5286  33.5% -lh5- bba9 Mar 11  2004 SFont-2.03/Source/SFont.c
[generic]                 1332    3525  37.8% -lh5- 74cb Mar 17  2004 SFont-2.03/Source/SFont.h
[generic]                  863    1923  44.9% -lh5- a6cb Mar 11  2004 SFont-2.03/Source/SFontViewer.c
[generic]                  638    1216  52.5% -lh5- 8a82 Mar 11  2004 SFont-2.03/Source/test1.c
[generic]                  756    1481  51.0% -lh5- 6d2b Mar 11  2004 SFont-2.03/Source/test2.c
[generic]                  816    1735  47.0% -lh5- 41b3 Mar 11  2004 SFont-2.03/Source/test3.c
[generic]                60231   60231 100.0% -lh0- 4d6c Mar 11  2004 SFont-2.03/24P_Arial_NeonYellow.png
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        16 files 1250657 2535782  49.3%            Sep 27  2006
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