Short:        Shows names of resident modules in ROM
Author: (Gunnar Vestergaard)
Uploader:     post gunnar-pv dk (Gunnar Vestergaard)
Type:         util/moni
Version:      1.0.1
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 1.2

This small program will show the names of the resident modules in your ROM.
These are libraries, devices and other types of modules. If some seem to be
missing, it may well be because they are on disk instead. Had the ROM been big
enough, the entire operating system would fit in ROM.

The source code is included. You can find me on Facebook with the name
Gunnar Poulsen Vestergaard.

Current e-mail address:

This program works with at least Kickstart 1.2 and a MC68000 CPU. It should
work on later models.

Some programs that you have in your installation may introduce a bug in the
system. It is unclear how such bug may appear. Therefore your system may crash
when running this program. That is no fault of mine. I have done everything to
interface with the operating system in the right way. The reason is possibly
that some program corrupts the ResModules list in Exec. It must always be
concluded with a longword with zero.

V1 First release
1.0.1 Two or more modules were listed on the same line. That bug has been