Short:        Player-Setup Update for MPEGAU_PLAYER 2.2
Author: (Eckhard Ludwig)
Uploader:     eckhard top east de
Type:         util/dopus
Version:      2.3
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


	2.3 -Soundcard (Digital Audio Interface) Maestro Pro added
	     AHI audio system driver, thank to Richard Körber!


	Update Player-Setup for biz/dopus/MPEGAU_PLAYER.lha (V2.2)

	Directory Opus 5.5+ GUI for the MPEGA player by Stephane TAVENARD,
	and for MPEG-Cards and Soundcards with AHI-Drivers.
	DOpus5-filetypes for Layer 2 and Layer 3 included.


	Copy Player-Setup to SYS:Prefs.
	Install Maestro Pro AHI audio system driver by Richard Körber.