Short: Remote CD-player for DOpus5 Author: (Kolbjørn Barmen) Uploader: kolla nvg org (Kolbjørn Barmen) Type: util/dopus Version: 0.5 (could need more work) Architecture: generic Date: 03.10.99 This is a script I made a few months ago to control the CD-player on my Linux/m68k A1200 from the DOpus desktop of my A3000. It uses rsh to pass over commands, and the player used is gcdplay which can be found on Freshmeat I'd like to thanks the people on the dopus mailing list for help, especially to Dave Clarke <> that actually wrote a large part of the script to show me how it could be done :) PS. The button images are borrowed from the songplayer archive, by Stéphane Tavenard. Kolbjørn Barmen | a3k/o6o/6o4e/AmigaOS/MacOS/LinuxPPC | // T e a m <> | a12ooCT/o3o/Linux-m68k a6oo/o3o/AmigaOS | XX/ A M I G A Nettverksgruppa | "I met the Amiga and fell in love..." | <> »» Norwegian University of Technology and Science ««