Short:        An FTP Module for Directory Opus 5.11
Author:       Andrew Dunbar & Dr Greg Perry, © GPSoftware 16/8/95
Uploader:     Dr Greg Perry (zzgperry mailbox uq oz au )
Type:         util/dopus
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This archive contains a fully functional demonstration version of an FTP
module for Directory Opus 5.11.  You MUST HAVE Opus 5.11 INSTALLED
on your hard drive before attemping to install this module.

OpusFTP requires a TCP connection from either AmiTCP or MLINK.
See the AmigaGuide file for instructions and further details.

Usage:  Unarc this archive to a disk or RAM: and double click on the 
Install_OpusFTP icon the Installer script and install the module and 
associated files in your current Opus5 directory.

Dr Greg Perry, August 16th 1995
GPSoftware, PO Box 570 , ASHGROVE AUSTRALIA 4060 Ph/Fax +61 7 3661402