Short:        DOpus Program NewIcons *V2* by Dr_Ash
Author: (Ash Thomas)
Uploader:     cs95abt brunel ac uk (Ash Thomas)
Type:         util/dopus
Architecture: generic

I got lots of emails from people who liked my DOpus
program NewIcons. I had no plans to improve them, nor
could i see areas which needed improvements. However,
I was drawing some start menu icons for DOpus and I was
doing the Voyager icon. I got the voyager animbrush and
tried to copy it. The globe on the voyager logo was much
brighter and better than mine, so I improved my old globe
and made it brighter. I then had an idea for a filetypes
icon (i never really liked the old one) and finally decided
to improve all the icons - which resulted in this archive.

They icons are mostly the same, but with many improvements.
They are all brighter, the logo's are much lighter and
they are better drawn than before.
No-one to thank for help with this archive, except the authors
of PPaint (thanks for the sushi too Michael!) and NewIcons.
This archive took me an afternoon and an evening to do - you
can really see the improvements if you compare it to v1.

This upload is email-ware. If you use it please email or
write a postcard to me. Even if you have emailed me or
written to me before, for another archive, please write
again. I will reply to you.

Ash Thomas,
Sinton Green,
WR2 6NS.   England

This way I can tell how many people are using my work
and if its worth continuing developing it. Any suggestions
are also appreciated.

Ash Thomas  (Dr_Ash on IRC)