Short: (GERMAN) Send pictures to ImageFX from DOpus 5.5+ Author: (Tommy Jensen) Uploader: swedane algonet se (Tommy Jensen) Type: util/dopus Version: 1.0 Requires: Directory Opus 5.5+, ImageFX 2.6+ Architecture: generic Distribution: Public Domain (PD) Kurz: Exportiert bilder von DOpus 5.5+ zu ImageFX N.B. This is the same script as ImageFX.LHA only this is in German... It seems like a German dude named Chavez ( liked the script so much he translted it and sent it to me in an EMail. This is an ARexx script for use with the filemanagment tool Directory Opus 5.5+ and the image processing program ImageFX. Installation: X Simply copy the script to DOpus5:ARexx or wherever ju keep your Opus ARexx scipts. X Then call it as: <AREXX>DOpus5:ARexx/ImageFX.dopus5 X If your ImageFX path is other than ImageFX:ImageFX you have to change the ImageFX parameter in the script to your ImageFX path. X Finished. This is a script made to send pictures from DOpus into ImageFX with several features. 1 If ImageFX is not loaded you will be asked if you wish to load it. 2 If ImageFX is loaded the script will check the buffer and return the current project name in a requester so you can choose if you want it to be overwritten. 3 A progress indicator so you know what's going on. Please report any bugs or tips for improvement of this script. ARexx is © William S. Hawes Directory Opus is © Jonathan Potter & GPSoftware ImageFX is © Nova Design, Inc. P.S. If you recognize some parts of the script (namely the version check), it's because if stolen that code from some other script. I see no point in reinventing the wheel.