Short: Italian Catalogs for Directory Opus Magellan 5.65 Author: Francesco Dipietromaria <> Uploader: Dr Greg Perry (greg gpsoft com au) GPSoftware Type: util/dopus Architecture: generic This archive contains catalog files for Directory Opus Magellan version 5.65 GPSoftware expresses its thanks to those who have contributed their work to support Opus 5. These programs, images and scripts are provided free of charge to registered users of Opus 5 and but remain joint © by their original authors and GPSoftware. GPSoftware and assocated distributors cannot accept any responsibility or liability for the performance or merchantisability of these products. Please consult the original authors as detailed in the programs if you have any correspondance relating to these products. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Greg Perry October 21st 1997 GPSoftware, PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld Australia 4060 Ph/fax +61 7 33661402 Internet Email: WWW : -------------------------------------------------------