Short: Shuffle characters (permutation) Author: (Ralf Gruner) Uploader: ralf gruner t-online de (Ralf Gruner) Type: text/misc Version: 1.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Distribution: Public Domain Wordshuffler generates permutations of the characters of a word. You can specify the maximum of consonants and vowels in a row. Use the executable in a shell window with this syntax: wordshuffler <text> [maximum consonants] [maximum vowels] The default values for the maxima are 2. Examples: 1.Ram Disk:> wordshuffler ice cei cie eci eic ice iec 1.Ram Disk:> wordshuffler ice 1 1 eci ice 1.Ram Disk:> wordshuffler art art atr rat rta tar tra 1.Ram Disk:> wordshuffler art 1 rat tar Wordshuffler is based on my permutation program (misc/math/permutation.lha). The program should work with English and German words. For other languages you may have to change the vowels string in the source code. Ralf Gruner, Großschönau, Germany 27 August 1999