Short:        (PARTIAL) port of EDICT dictionary utils
Author: (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Uploader:     lanch mail caribusiness it (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Type:         text/misc
Version:      2.3
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This set of utilities let you achieve the benefits of upgrading
 the japanese dictionnary used by your wordprocessor (like Jiwa/JiwaPro,
 Kezaco, etc.).

Readme created with ARC 3.2 - Copyright (c)1996-99 by Jens Weyer.

============================= Archive contents =============================
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1040     509 51.0% 09-Apr-99 16:05:18 +.xjdicrc
    7132    2809 60.6% 24-May-98 15:43:36 +exjdxgen.c
     579     313 45.9% 20-Jan-96 05:38:30 +makekanjstroke.c
    6033    2297 61.9% 09-Apr-99 15:20:28 +xjdrad.amiga.c
   10578    3811 63.9% 11-Sep-98 03:04:20 +xjdxgen.c
   12748    7982 37.3% 09-Apr-99 14:02:08 +exjdxgen
    8916    5728 35.7% 09-Apr-99 14:02:02 +makekanjstroke
    1054     515 51.1% 03-Sep-98 13:01:26 +.xjdicrc.skel
     417     204 51.0% 16-Sep-98 23:33:24 +dotar23
    7132    2809 60.6% 24-May-98 15:43:36 +exjdxgen.c
   12489    4961 60.2% 20-Jan-96 05:38:28 +gnu_licence
   25420   16503 35.0% 20-Jan-96 05:38:28 +kanjstroke
    4888    1848 62.1% 16-Sep-98 11:08:00 +Makefile
     579     313 45.9% 20-Jan-96 05:38:30 +makekanjstroke.c
    1710    1137 33.5% 20-Jan-96 05:38:30
   49637   38013 23.4% 20-Jan-96 05:38:30 +radkfile
    3958    1937 51.0% 20-Jan-96 05:38:32 +romkana.cnv
    5135    2036 60.3% 16-Sep-98 00:17:36 +vconj
    8718    2919 66.5% 31-Aug-98 10:56:56 +xjdclient.c
   11735    2883 75.4% 15-Sep-98 06:27:50 +xjdcomm.c
   72390   22226 69.2% 16-Sep-98 00:28:02 +xjdfrontend.c
   11009    4276 61.1% 12-Oct-98 06:42:12 +xjdic.1
    2240     990 55.8% 03-Sep-98 09:05:28 +xjdic.h
    4980    2258 54.6% 31-May-98 13:05:22 +xjdic22.WHATSNEW
   57532   22204 61.4% 12-Oct-98 06:41:40 +xjdic23.inf
   11863    4786 59.6% 16-Sep-98 15:24:20 +xjdic23.install
    2398    1111 53.6% 16-Sep-98 15:20:54 +xjdic23.WHATSNEW
    6053    2303 61.9% 03-Sep-98 14:08:14 +xjdrad.c
    5232    1918 63.3% 30-Aug-98 00:31:20 +xjdsa.c
   11914    3694 68.9% 11-Sep-98 01:24:04 +xjdservcomm.c
   11392    3433 69.8% 03-Sep-98 02:43:18 +xjdserver.c
   10578    3811 63.9% 11-Sep-98 03:04:20 +xjdxgen.c
    1583     896 43.3% 23-May-99 16:12:38!
   12976    8203 36.7% 09-Apr-99 15:20:38 +xjdrad
   15592    9546 38.7% 09-Apr-99 14:01:30 +xjdxgen
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  417630  191182 54.2% 23-May-99 16:13:24   35 files

Operation successful.