Short:        Edict japanese dictionary index file converter
Author: (Benoit Socias Vicens)
Uploader:     bsocias ulb ac be (Benoit Socias Vicens)
Type:         text/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This program will help Kezaco and AmiJDic users.
Those program require #?.xjdx files to use the edict dictionary
files, but the edict dictribution on the net comes with #?.jdx
index files.
This program will convert the index files.  This will allow
users to update their dictionary as often as they'll want.

Sorry, KezacoII isn't complete yet.

Benoit Socias Vicens    
11 rue des agaces
B-1430 Quenast          
BELGIUM (EUROPE)                  Bank:063-1703672-96 
