Short:        South African Airforce. Excellent photography.
Author:       Herman Potgieter
Uploader:     horror smartnet co za
Type:         pix/illu
Architecture: generic

South Africa. 5 Million europeans in vain trying to maitain a european
lifestyle in Afrika. 

These pictures dates to around Mid-1995 when there was still some signs left
of the former proud Airforce of Africa. Due to budget cuts, the SAAF is
what i will call, a "has been". Its wings has been cut.

So much so that the SAAF is unable to even effectivley continue with Search & Rescue
operations... BUT: as they say. That is AFRIKA.

Die voormalige Suid-afrikaanse lugmag. Nou, weens begroting inkortings
word sy vlerkies geknip.

Yes, we do have cellphones, fax machines, *AMIGA*, Silicon Graphics, local
dialup Internet etc.  Yes, it is true.

Pictures scanned from the book "More than Fair Game" by Herman Potgieter.