Short:        50 frame 320x512 HAM8 Anim5
Architecture: generic


	Peace.anim5 is an opt ANIM5-format 320x512 HAM8-animation
	consisting of 50 frames. It was created using Real3D v1.42,
	ADPro 2 and MKAnim. 

	This animation is freeware, you can use it for free as long
	as money is not involved, ie. PD-companies etc. are not allowed
	to spread this animation in any form. If you want to use this
	animation commercially or for any other reason, please contact
	the author.

	This address is only valid until 31.5.1993:

	Janne Kiiskilä
	Kasarmintie 14 A 23
	SF-90100  OULU

	Janne Kiiskilä
	Mansikkatie 33
	SF-94830  KEMI

	or use my email account: