Mem is a utility for viewing and editing of memory and files
in binary form. This can be useful for programmers when
testing their programs data structures and data files.
Changes since version 2.1
* Save function for files added.
* Edit window for structures added.
* View window for structures added.
* Addresses can be entered in hex, by adding '0x' as prefix.
* Address in view window is also showed in hex.
Mem can...
* display the contents of memory, files and ROM.
* read multiple files to memory, for editing.
* allocate memory of any type, for editing.
* search for strings, longs, words and bytes.
* open multiple new view windows.
* dump memory contents to a binary file, hex file,
or special internal format.
* display memory contents in binary, decimal, and hex.
* poke strings, longs, words and bytes to memory.
* be customized to suit you better (registered version only).