Author : Martin "Mason" Merz
Sallingersiedlung 3
86609 Donauwörth
Tools : PPaint 7.1
DirectoryOpus 5 Magellan
AWeb3.1 Demo
ARC 3.2
System : MaxData Pentium III 450
AmigaForever WinUAE
Amiga OS 3.9
Note : The author can not be made responible for any damage on
Hard- and/or software.
Your using this material at your own risk.
History : 08.02.2000 - 1st release
12.02.2000 - 2nd release
- removed the "right border pixels" thanks to Steven
- set the same backround colour for all images to
RGB 150.150.150 thanks to Steven
- reworked the Drawer and HD icons
- added some new icons
01.03.2000 - 3rd release
- reworked the printer icons
- added about 50 new icons
28.04.2000 - 4th release (1st update)
- new default icons for DirectoryOpus
- CutNPasteToolbarIcons and a FTP-Start-Button
- added some image drawers
- reworked some images and added some new
27.05.2000 - 5th release (2nd update)
- just about 90 new or redisigned icons
- completed the default icons (thanks to Richard)
- reworked the the FTP-Start-Button
- new installation instruktions
01.09.2000 - 6th release (3rd update)
- just 22 new or redisigned icons
07.01.2001 - 7th release
- just a view new icons but many redesigned
Install : Make a backup of your original "DOpus/Images" and the
"DOpus/Icons" and "DOpus/Buttons" directory.
Copy the directories "Images", "Icons", "Buttons" and
"CutNPaste" from this distribution to your DOpus
directory an restart your system.
WARNING! Maybe you have to rework your startmenus,
toolbar and buttons to the new names!
An other method to install is to create a new drawer
for this collection and configure your toolbars etc.
step by step (thanks to Richard Lane for this hint).
For more informations of how to work with buttons read
the DOpus manual. Please use my distribution "FlagsMI"
for a more perfect look of the images in the submenu
"Favourites" of this start button. The archive for the
images is available on Aminet.
If you use the "CutNPaste" toolbar please check out
the new images from this archive.
Thanks : Birgit Ziegler
Ilse Götz
Albert "Earny" Nagel
Christian "Kwitschi" Kwirant
Bernd "Keule" Späth
Steven Becker
Richard Lane
Martin "Mason" Merz
Readme created with ARC 3.2 - Copyright (c)1996-99 by Jens Weyer.