This patch upgrades the DirectoryOpus 5 Magellan version 5.62 sold by
GPSoftware and related distributors in 1997.
* *
* YOU MUST HAVE PATCHED YOUR OPUS to version 5.62 before using this archive *
* *
If you have an earlier version then you must obtain and apply the
5.6x-5.62 patch file first. This is available from my our web pages
or Aminet as biz/dopus/DOpusPatch6x62.lha
a) Unarchive the DOpusPatch6265.lha to RAM:
b) Enter the PCH565 directory and Double-Click on the OpusPatch562-565
file. (If in name mode, Shift-Double-Click)
This will create a number of temporary directories in RAM:, update your
current DOpus5: files then copy the new files back over your old
directory. When the process is complete, reboot your Amiga and read the
ReadMe_Magellan565 file for details of the changes and new features.
If you have any problems, let me know by email.
Support and Contact:
For other details, please contact us via our WWW pages or by
We maintain a couple of Opus mailing lists. Details of these can
be obtained from the WWW pages.
Dr Greg Perry, November 3rd 1997
GPSoftware, PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld Australia 4060 Ph/fax +61 7 33661402
Internet Email: