84782 packages online
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See the comments at the top of all scripts for update info.
Previously unreleased new scripts:
Virus_Checker7.dopus5 (released with Virus_Checker, too).
Scripts not included in the v5.11 update:
DirToDest.dopus5 -.
ParentToDest.dopus5 |_ Emulate the missing DOpus4 commands...
WinCopy.dopus5 | (Well, *ToDest were not even in DOpus4).
WinSwap.dopus5 -'
Visage_SlideShow.dopus5 (For "Visage" the picture viewer)
Virus_Checker7.dopus5 (For "Virus_Checker" version 7)
Complete filelist:
CDO.dopus5 1,592 18-Aug-95 12:26:14 -s--rwed
Compare.dopus5 3,848 29-Sep-95 21:32:58 -s--rwed
DirToDest.dopus5 2,425 26-Dec-95 15:21:18 -s--rwed
OCD.dopus5 1,114 18-Aug-95 12:19:19 -s--rwed
ParentToDest.dopus5 3,057 26-Dec-95 15:20:16 -s--rwed
PBar.dopus5 6,052 18-Aug-95 12:19:39 -s--rwed
PlayMod_DT.dopus5 5,547 25-Dec-95 20:28:35 -s--rwed
PlayMod_MP.dopus5 5,701 25-Dec-95 20:27:27 -s--rwed
Virus_Checker7.dopus5 7,107 25-Dec-95 20:46:51 -s--rwed
Visage_Slideshow.dopus5 3,248 26-Dec-95 15:14:28 -s--rwed
WinCopy.dopus5 2,590 26-Dec-95 15:27:01 -s--rwed
WinSwap.dopus5 2,546 26-Dec-95 15:28:37 -s--rwed
(This archive was originally sent to Aminet in January but something went
wrong along the way -- sorry about the wait, I didn't take my Amiga to
University last term so I couldn't resend them before now).
Contents of util/dopus/D51_NARexx.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 731 1642 44.5% -lh5- 83ee Mar 22 1996 D51_NARexx.readme
[generic] 816 1592 51.3% -lh5- cdb5 Aug 18 1995 D51_NARexx/CDO.dopus5
[generic] 1501 3848 39.0% -lh5- 403b Sep 29 1995 D51_NARexx/Compare.dopus5
[generic] 1076 2425 44.4% -lh5- c03d Dec 26 1995 D51_NARexx/DirToDest.dopus5
[generic] 587 1114 52.7% -lh5- 32c6 Aug 18 1995 D51_NARexx/OCD.dopus5
[generic] 1408 3057 46.1% -lh5- c4db Dec 26 1995 D51_NARexx/ParentToDest.dopus5
[generic] 2466 6052 40.7% -lh5- 593f Aug 18 1995 D51_NARexx/PBar.dopus5
[generic] 2148 5547 38.7% -lh5- 3fce Dec 25 1995 D51_NARexx/PlayMod_DT.dopus5
[generic] 2177 5701 38.2% -lh5- d09c Dec 25 1995 D51_NARexx/PlayMod_MP.dopus5
[generic] 2696 7107 37.9% -lh5- 2609 Dec 25 1995 D51_NARexx/Virus_Checker7.dopus5
[generic] 1547 3248 47.6% -lh5- 485d Dec 26 1995 D51_NARexx/Visage_Slideshow.dopus5
[generic] 1215 2590 46.9% -lh5- e569 Dec 26 1995 D51_NARexx/WinCopy.dopus5
[generic] 1208 2546 47.4% -lh5- 157a Dec 26 1995 D51_NARexx/WinSwap.dopus5
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 13 files 19576 46469 42.1% Mar 22 1996
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