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Short:russian fonts&keymaps for cp1251
Uploader:yorgee <yorgee rambler ru>
Download:text/misc/ - View contents

It is a set for normal work with texts in coding CP1251, at work with keyboards from A600/A1200 and 104/105 keyboard from PC.
 Place files from archive in catalogues &#8220; DEVS:keymaps / &#8221; and &#8220; FONTS: &#8221;. Change all system references to fonts. Specify fonts going in the complete set. In MorphOS very attentively recheck values in adjustments MUI. Specify one of system allocations an allocation from archive. Use switches of allocations (for AOS 3.x for example Amirus; for MorphOS, for example ELF or KMS). 
Allocation pc104_ru1 with Russian symbols. By pressing key ALT and her deduction, pressing keys - receive the English symbols (the American allocation of the keyboard). Allocation PC104_us1 with the English symbols, by pressing key ALT and her deduction, pressing keys - receive Russian symbols. My allocations not precisely repeat creations from Microsoft, and more convenient (my personal opinion though it can not coincide c yours) since some symbols have been added. Separately about allocation Ami1251, there are discrepancies and essential on accommodation of some symbols. 
 Briefly about fonts. Authorship not mine, I have only corrected them. In MorphOS if you use ttf-fonts, problems never will arise.
Having established archive, you without problems will work in a world wide web with browsers, IRC-clients, post programs, text editors, etc.

 This archive was checked on serviceability in AOS 3.x (on real &#1040;1200 and in emulators UAE and WinUAE) and in MorphOS 1.4.5.

 Write about various malfunctions and mistakes on or, having checked up, whether you have adjusted all in the system.

Contents of text/misc/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//text/misc/
 Length   Method    Size  Ratio   Date   Time   CRC-32    Name
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
       0  Stored        0   0%  05-17-07 09:13  00000000  devs/
       0  Stored        0   0%  05-17-07 09:13  00000000  devs/keymaps/
    1416  Defl:X      826  42%  01-30-07 16:26  3612824d  devs/keymaps/pc104_ru1
    1420  Defl:X      812  43%  01-29-07 18:56  c6a2d099  devs/keymaps/pc104_us1
       0  Stored        0   0%  05-17-07 09:13  00000000  fonts/
       0  Stored        0   0%  05-17-07 09:13  00000000  fonts/Andale Mono/
    3564  Defl:X     1715  52%  02-10-07 12:33  1af2ffb2  fonts/Andale Mono/12
    4772  Defl:X     2328  51%  02-10-07 12:33  388bcc3b  fonts/Andale Mono/16
    4968  Defl:X     2486  50%  02-10-07 12:33  ff21e7ac  fonts/Andale Mono/20
    6688  Defl:X     3007  55%  02-10-07 12:34  93b49749  fonts/Andale Mono/22
    9748  Defl:X     4232  57%  02-10-07 12:34  b5e6f5a6  fonts/Andale Mono/28
   15636  Defl:X     5897  62%  02-10-07 12:34  b27cde27  fonts/Andale Mono/37
   33708  Defl:X     9975  70%  02-10-07 12:34  e6a60fd9  fonts/Andale Mono/57
       0  Stored        0   0%  05-17-07 09:13  00000000  fonts/Arial/
    3932  Defl:X     1937  51%  02-10-07 12:34  fb3848da  fonts/Arial/13
    4932  Defl:X     2483  50%  02-10-07 12:35  8d95adac  fonts/Arial/16
    6404  Defl:X     2985  53%  02-10-07 12:35  6d7afa61  fonts/Arial/20
    7700  Defl:X     3640  53%  02-10-07 12:35  01a406dc  fonts/Arial/22
   11204  Defl:X     4833  57%  02-10-07 12:35  818d7c57  fonts/Arial/28
   18004  Defl:X     6706  63%  02-10-07 12:35  914e9b7e  fonts/Arial/37
   37552  Defl:X    11214  70%  02-10-07 12:36  66021ac0  fonts/Arial/55
       4  Defl:X        6 -50%  01-30-07 14:26  7b617113  fonts/Arial/arialregular.font
     724  Defl:X      534  26%  01-30-07 14:26  3566e2e4  fonts/Arial/arialregular.otag
       0  Stored        0   0%  05-17-07 09:13  00000000  fonts/Arial Black/
    4708  Defl:X     2072  56%  02-10-07 12:36  57460027  fonts/Arial Black/16
    6564  Defl:X     2790  58%  02-10-07 12:36  3198c589  fonts/Arial Black/20
    8292  Defl:X     3433  59%  02-10-07 12:36  dc92741e  fonts/Arial Black/24
   10308  Defl:X     3821  63%  02-10-07 12:37  e1223a65  fonts/Arial Black/28
   16284  Defl:X     5239  68%  02-10-07 12:37  5f5a14a2  fonts/Arial Black/36
   25612  Defl:X     6802  73%  02-10-07 12:37  27786077  fonts/Arial Black/46
   53924  Defl:X    11490  79%  02-10-07 12:37  0db06b15  fonts/Arial Black/68
       0  Stored        0   0%  05-17-07 09:13  00000000  fonts/Comic Sans MS/
    4484  Defl:X     2079  54%  02-10-07 12:38  a7d14a8b  fonts/Comic Sans MS/16
    5804  Defl:X     2673  54%  02-10-07 12:38  fe7f299c  fonts/Comic Sans MS/20
    7860  Defl:X     3456  56%  02-10-07 12:38  d1d030a8  fonts/Comic Sans MS/24
    9208  Defl:X     3925  57%  02-10-07 12:38  6ae1943f  fonts/Comic Sans MS/27
   14004  Defl:X     5326  62%  02-10-07 12:38  6693e946  fonts/Comic Sans MS/35
   21952  Defl:X     7406  66%  02-10-07 12:39  ffe184a8  fonts/Comic Sans MS/45
   46732  Defl:X    12841  73%  02-10-07 12:39  1e29bf60  fonts/Comic Sans MS/67
       0  Stored        0   0%  05-17-07 09:13  00000000  fonts/Courier New/
    3636  Defl:X     1718  53%  02-10-07 12:25  0dd3665a  fonts/Courier New/12
    4996  Defl:X     2319  54%  02-10-07 12:25  ea36ed32  fonts/Courier New/16
    6364  Defl:X     2748  57%  02-10-07 12:25  5723779d  fonts/Courier New/20
    6224  Defl:X     2787  55%  02-10-07 12:26  82c12ed2  fonts/Courier New/22
   10420  Defl:X     3896  63%  02-10-07 12:26  4c873e3d  fonts/Courier New/28
   16748  Defl:X     5343  68%  02-10-07 12:26  690b46ba  fonts/Courier New/37
   37012  Defl:X     9347  75%  02-10-07 12:26  abd3c213  fonts/Courier New/57
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    5284  Defl:X     2709  49%  02-10-07 12:47  194f0722  fonts/Georgia/16
    6604  Defl:X     3110  53%  02-10-07 12:48  f2a94bdd  fonts/Georgia/20
    7964  Defl:X     3761  53%  02-10-07 12:48  5a75b0b9  fonts/Georgia/22
   12336  Defl:X     5174  58%  02-10-07 12:48  9a718974  fonts/Georgia/29
   19876  Defl:X     7400  63%  02-10-07 12:48  899596b3  fonts/Georgia/38
   40996  Defl:X    12016  71%  02-10-07 12:49  49e57dcf  fonts/Georgia/56
       0  Stored        0   0%  05-17-07 09:13  00000000  fonts/Symbol/
    3692  Defl:X     1612  56%  02-10-07 12:50  1c4b855b  fonts/Symbol/13
    5008  Defl:X     2196  56%  02-10-07 12:50  61597d36  fonts/Symbol/18
    5716  Defl:X     2513  56%  02-10-07 12:50  16a55a41  fonts/Symbol/20
    7276  Defl:X     3008  59%  02-10-07 12:50  21b4c0aa  fonts/Symbol/24
   10216  Defl:X     4002  61%  02-10-07 12:50  961a96e8  fonts/Symbol/30
   16556  Defl:X     5619  66%  02-10-07 12:51  0ddb402c  fonts/Symbol/40
   36028  Defl:X     9875  73%  02-10-07 12:51  2ef86bed  fonts/Symbol/61
       0  Stored        0   0%  05-17-07 09:13  00000000  fonts/Tahoma/
    4176  Defl:X     1969  53%  02-10-07 12:51  8e256254  fonts/Tahoma/14
    5200  Defl:X     2409  54%  02-10-07 12:52  128322de  fonts/Tahoma/17
    6904  Defl:X     3010  56%  02-10-07 12:52  d7029203  fonts/Tahoma/21
    8100  Defl:X     3662  55%  02-10-07 12:52  fab86223  fonts/Tahoma/24
   11976  Defl:X     4935  59%  02-10-07 12:52  a406ba80  fonts/Tahoma/31
   19524  Defl:X     6712  66%  02-10-07 12:52  0adcf210  fonts/Tahoma/40
   39648  Defl:X    10907  73%  02-10-07 12:52  f1bb689b  fonts/Tahoma/59
       0  Stored        0   0%  05-17-07 09:13  00000000  fonts/Times New Roman/
    3972  Defl:X     1990  50%  02-10-07 12:27  e071caa0  fonts/Times New Roman/12
    5028  Defl:X     2478  51%  02-10-07 12:27  3d95e086  fonts/Times New Roman/16
    6272  Defl:X     2949  53%  02-10-07 12:27  1c4746c0  fonts/Times New Roman/19
    7832  Defl:X     3587  54%  02-10-07 12:27  c679f303  fonts/Times New Roman/22
   11372  Defl:X     4779  58%  02-10-07 12:28  45908b93  fonts/Times New Roman/28
   18524  Defl:X     6832  63%  02-10-07 12:28  802bca33  fonts/Times New Roman/37
   36912  Defl:X    11276  70%  02-10-07 12:28  68cd2c3f  fonts/Times New Roman/54
       0  Stored        0   0%  05-17-07 09:13  00000000  fonts/Verdana/
    4260  Defl:X     2054  52%  02-10-07 12:53  e4e6dc54  fonts/Verdana/14
    5520  Defl:X     2512  55%  02-10-07 12:53  72faad8c  fonts/Verdana/18
    7072  Defl:X     3190  55%  02-10-07 12:54  29fa7aec  fonts/Verdana/21
    8484  Defl:X     3856  55%  02-10-07 12:54  06f536e3  fonts/Verdana/24
   12908  Defl:X     5151  60%  02-10-07 12:54  f963cefb  fonts/Verdana/31
   20940  Defl:X     7053  66%  02-10-07 12:54  5a9d4d44  fonts/Verdana/41
   43404  Defl:X    11521  74%  02-10-07 12:54  39817fe5  fonts/Verdana/60
    1650  Defl:X      857  48%  05-16-07 13:53  7d150863  english.readme
    1626  Defl:X      957  41%  05-16-07 13:54  37a67d9b  russian.readme
--------          -------  ---                            -------
  966560           336875  65%                            89 files
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