Changes for Amiga 68k/PPC port are documented in
in "CHANGES.amiga". Compiling instructions are
in "COMPILE.amiga". For usage information, please
refer to "readme.txt".
PPC binaries have the .elf extension and can
be executed from Shell when being used with
ppc.library V46+
There are two link library versions included:
libpdf.lib (68k) and libpdf.a (PPC).
Binaries can be found in "bin" directory, library files
have been stored in "lib". Exception are the "pdftest"
and "pdftest.elf" programs: they need to be run from
the "test" directory, and that's why they're also
located there.
General information follows.
ARK, 28/Nov/99
PDFlib V2.01
Portable C library for dynamically generating PDF ("Adobe Acrobat") files.
Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Thomas Merz (
The PDFlib distribution is available from the following URL:
see end of this file for an overview of licensing and
usage issues, and the file doc/license.pdf for details.
PDFlib is a C library for generating PDF files. It offers a graphics
API with support for drawing, text, fonts, images, and hypertext. Call PDFlib
routines from within your client program and voila: dynamic PDF files!
For detailed instructions on PDFlib programming and the associated API,
see the PDFlib Programming Manual, included in PDF format in the
PDFlib distribution.
Supported Programming Environments
The PDFlib core library can be built as a static library or a shared
C library/DLL. PDFlib can be used from the following environments:
- ANSI C libary (static or dynamic)
- ANSI C++ via an object wrapper
- Perl5 with help from SWIG
- Tcl with help from SWIG
- Python with help from SWIG
- Java via the JNI with help from a hacked SWIG version
- Visual Basic with a DLL and a type library
- PHP3: PDFlib support is already included in the PHP3 distribution,
see Note that PHP3 is not directly supported by
the author of PDFlib.
The necessary "glue" for attaching PDFlib to these environments is
included in the distribution, as well as sample programs for all
supported environments.
Two sample applications are supplied for all supported language bindings:
- hello: simple "hello, world!" program
- pdfclock: generate a PDF file with an analog clock image
PDF Features
PDFlib's many features are covered in detail in the programming manual.
So let's just take a brief look at the most important ones:
- basic drawing
lines, rectangles, arcs, Bezier curves, ...
gray scale or RGB color
- text
text in different fonts and sizes, formatting
type 1 font embedding, built-in font metrics, AFM metrics files for
additional fonts
- image file formats
support for CCITT, TIFF, GIF, and JPEG files
- PDF output compression via Zlib
- hypertext features
bookmarks, page transitions, Web and local links, PDF file attachments
- Unicode support for annotations, bookmarks, and document information
PDFlib application ideas
- Dynamic PDF generation on a Web server
- Directly convert text or graphics files to PDF
- Report generator for applications such as databases
- PDF-generating printer driver for all kinds of applications
- ...many more!
Supplied Library Clients
PDFlib includes some test and real client programs:
- pdftest: general C test program, illustrates many PDF features
- pdfimage: convert GIF/TIFF/JPEG images to PDF
- text2pdf: convert text files to PDF
- pdfgraph: draw a graph according to data read from a text file