* From: "Victor B. Wagner" <vitus@agropc.msk.su>
* Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.development.apps,
* comp.unix.programmer
* Subject: CATDOC ver 0.3 (MS-Word reader for UNIX and DOS)
* released (source here)
* Date: 27 Dec 1996 16:47:30 +0300
* Reply-To: vitus@agropc.msk.su
* Hi, All!
* I've just finished third release of MS-Word to ASCII converter.
* New features:
* 1. Some Word character can be converted into TeX control sequences
* 2. Optionally, program can return exit code 1, if file is not in MS-Word
* format (application of this feature see below)
* 3. Source code is completely rewritten to achieve more clarity.
* Missing features:
* 1. fast saves still not handled correctly.
* 2. footnotes are viewed as separate paragrapghs at the end of text without
* any link to their marks (footnote marks are silently deleted)
* 3. Nothing done with embedded illustrations and OLE objects.
* 4. Reserved sign is translated just to (R) instead of correct TeX sequence
* 5. Some garbage is displayed at the end (and possible at the start)
* of document
* Usage notes
* -t switch causes replacing of special symbols such as em-dash by
* TeX (LaTeX) commands instead of ASCII printable equivalents
* -a disables effect of prevouisly specified -t
* -s switch: if program cannot find MS-Word signature before
* first pritable paragraph, it exits with code 1, supposing that it is
* just plain text which has .doc suffix only by coincedence.
* In case of errors it returns exit code 2.
* So I write following command file to view doc files in DOS environment:
* ------------------
* @echo off
* rem docview.bat - viewer for files with DOC extension
* rem uses Norton's WPVIEW.EXE
* catdoc -s %1>%TEMP%\docview.tmp
* if errorlevel 2 goto quit
* if errorlevel 1 copy $1 %TEMP^%\docview.tmp
* rem this is not winword file. Probably it is viewable without special effort
* wpview %TEMP%\docview.tmp
* :quit
* del %TEMP%\docview.tmp
* ---------------
* If you want to use this program as filter (I wonder, who would supply
* Word file for stdin), just use dash '-' instead of file name
[Gerard Cornu]: I have just compiled it plain (no options) with gcc
from ADE GG2.
email: gcornu@serveur.dtr.fr
http: http://www.dtr.fr/homepage/gcornu
mail: Gerard Cornu
11, Av. E. Aynard
69130 Ecully