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About Version 3
In this archive, all glyphs have been drawn, even glyphs not currently
used in modern Thai language. As well as general improvements glyphs have
been modified so that they make better use of space given valid Thai letter
order (see the WTT standard for details).
Version 2 added the DBThaiLH font.
Version 1 was the initial release of the lhthai font.
This archive contains 2 Thai fonts. Together, they should be enough for
basic web browsing and text editing.
To use Thai with Amiga-compatible computers requires the use of negative
kerning. These fonts use negative kerning to allow the use of "non-spacing
markers". Programs that use these fonts need to properly implement a
proportional font renderer and respect the kerning. One such program is
BareEd, which also has special features for Thai input.
This font comes in 2 sizes. I rendered the DBThai font using TTFManager but
none of the tone markers appeared (as they are not supported) and other
unexpecting rendering artefacts occurred. I have tried to tidy up the
positioning and clean up the fonts. They are not perfect but should be a
lot more usable than the standard DBThai font.
I have seen the DBThai font available for download from many different locations
and in many different formats. If you have a problem with what I have done with it
then please contact me and I will remove it from this archive.
This font comes in 2 sizes; I have designed it mainly for use with web
browsers. By setting the kerning information to extreme values it is possible to
make vowels and tone marks appear in roughly the right places. Due to the
multilevel nature of "way an nuuk", for example consider a vowel with "sara ee"
and "mai ayk", these fonts appear to have an excess of vertical space.
The Thai letters are TIS-620 coded, i.e. appear in the
upper half of 8 bit ASCII.
1. Copy the lhthai and DBThaiLH directories to FONTS:
2a. For a Shell in Thai, try typing setfont lhthai 24 prop. You can even put this
in your shell-startup. If you are like me, you can make a copy of shell-startup
with the additional line for Thai fonts and copy the Shell icon, editing its tooltypes
so that it uses the new shell-startup.
2b. Select an lhthai font in your web browser
These fonts were drawn/edited using TypeFace by David Kinder.
If you find any mistakes, please let me know.
Only Amiga makes it possible!
More projects concerned with using Thai on Amiga can be found at
Contents of text/bfont/thai-lhfont.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 45 524 8.6% -lh5- fa9b Oct 15 19:35 DBThaiLH.font
[generic] 2555 7364 34.7% -lh5- 7f2c Oct 15 19:33 DBThaiLH/32
[generic] 4221 14564 29.0% -lh5- bf8d Oct 15 19:35 DBThaiLH/48
[generic] 43 524 8.2% -lh5- b451 Oct 15 19:52 lhthai.font
[generic] 1789 3620 49.4% -lh5- 7951 Oct 15 19:31 lhthai/12
[generic] 2299 6452 35.6% -lh5- 2e89 Oct 15 19:52 lhthai/24
[generic] 1366 2721 50.2% -lh5- e381 Nov 29 23:23 thai-lhfont.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 12318 35769 34.4% Nov 30 01:37
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