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Short:Farsi 8 Point Font, IranSystem char-table.
Uploader:Paymaan Jafari (payman ctools pp se)
Download:text/bfont/farsi8.lha - View contents


-- Background --

   Farsi  (Or  sometimes  referred  to  as  Persian) is the Language of us;
Iranians  (also  sometimes  called  Persians).  This Language has character
shapes other than Latin.  It has 32 alphabets that 26 of them are in common
with Arabic.  The number shapes are alike in most digits and can be used in
place of each other.

   Each  alphabet,  unlike Latin and Roman, may has several shapes, related
to  position  in  the  word.  Some has just one shape, and some has up to 4
shapes.   this  multi-shape characters make about 150 characters if we want
to  build all the exact forms.  Cause of such a big problem, the characters
shapes is reduced in normal DOS-Type screens.  There are some standards for
both  character  map  and  and  their position in ASCII table, but the most
popular standard is called IranSystem (made by IranSystem company).

   The   second   matter   is   direction.   Farsi  caligarphy  is  written
right-to-left  and the numbers are written left-to-right just like english.
Arabic  numbers are both written and read reversely, although the number is
seen as english and Farsi.

-- What it Does --

   1) Changes +128 ASCII characters to Farsi characters.

-- Important --

   To  prevent  user  to  remember  all  the char forms and also because of
limited  keyboard  keys  for  all the possible characters, Any program that
wants  to  use  Farsi  font  should  be  designed  intelligent.  It have to
recognise when it has to use first-shape, middle or end-shape of character.

   This  is  not  a  difficult  process, program types first shape when you
press  a  key,  then  watches what is the next char and corrects char while
writing  the next char.  end-chars normally take shape when you press space
to  separate  word from the next word, or when you press one of Comma, Dot,
Qout, ...

   If  you  want  to  write  a  small  or  continused character that is not
attached to any word, simply type the char and then move using cursor keys.

   I  am now working on developing a BGUI based program to make a bilingual
text editor.

-- Tips! --

   You can use CygnusEd (any version) to read farsi texts in this standard.
To  do  this,  go  Environment  menu  (first  submenu)  and  select "select
font/disk  font" then select farsi/8 font and click on OK button, no change
in  english  will be made, but farsi codes (almost above 128+) will be seen
stranger  than  before!   :)  go  again  to the same menu/submenu and again
select  the same font.  This time, you will see that correct shape of Farsi
characters will be shown! Don't ask me why, cause I dont know!

   I  think  it  is  possible  to make an arexx program that enables you to
write from right to left in the CygnusED.

-- Disclaimer & Copyright --

  The  font is freeware, and there are no limitations on it's usage, but as
provider,  I  ask  all  to  not  use  it  for  War,  Making  Guns,  or  any
Bio/MicroBialogical  warcrafts  and/or  Athomic,  Neutronical Bombs and any
stuff  alike  those  mentioned.   In  one word, nothing against GOD, Peace,

    **    This is provided AS IS and I am not responsible for any   **
    **            damage or loss of data it may  cause.             **
    **                     USE AT YOUR OWN RISK                     **

   You can redistrebute this file as long as no change has been made to
the archive content.

-- About PALAPAL Amiga Programmers Group --

  We  are  an  Amiga  programmer  group  in Iran, normally working on Amiga
stuff,  but  I  thought  may  some PC stuffs be of use of people around the
world, mostly Iranian people.

  Support  our  group  with  your Emails, Cards (Postal ofcourse, not Credit
:)),  money  and  any  otherthing  you  can,  to  make us work more for the

-- Suggestions --

  Is  there  any of your needs that you thing we can offer?  Any bug in our
programs?    Any   Idea   for   a   good   program?   just  contact  us  at
<> or direct to me at <>.

  Paymaan Jafari, Computer Hardware Student,
                  PALAPAL Amiga Programmers Group,
                  Tehran, Iran.

  Email: <>

  Snail Mail:
         Paymaan Jafari,
         P.O.Box 17845-343,
         Tehran, Iran.


Contents of text/bfont/farsi8.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   29     264  11.0% -lh5- 3dea Nov 29  1996 farsi.font
[generic]                 1534    2868  53.5% -lh5- c6a1 Jan  7  1980 farsi/8f
[generic]                 2180    4648  46.9% -lh5- 0a36 Feb 13  1997 farsi8.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         3 files    3743    7780  48.1%            Feb 14  1997
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