After using AmIRC for a while, I was getting tired of seeing control
codes whilst using the bold, underlined, inverse and the 'system bleep'
features. I decided to change this, and this is the result :)
*** Installation ***
First, copy the files in fonts to fonts: then,
Set the AmIRC MUI prefs as follows:
Windows » Fonts » Normal » XIRC/11, or 13
You do not need the registered version to set this.
*** Version history ***
0.1 Edited XHelvetica/11, used full words for the chars, crude looking,
saved as XHelvetica.
0.11 Cleaned up the chars, still full words. Again, saved as XHelvetica
0.2 Redrew the chars, using the format used now, saved this time as XIRC.
First #AC release.
0.21 Edited XHelvetica/13, requested by IronDuck. Limited #MouseHands release.
0.22 Changed the inverse char, made it close to the other widths.
Added the beep character to the one in the output window, requested
by Baikonur. Second #AmigaCafe release.
1.0 This release, general cleaning up, changed the inverse char again.
*** Acknowledgements ***
Martin Huttenloher, who created 251 out of the 256 characters in the
font, and giving me permission to distribute it. See for more information.
Everyone on #AmigaCafe who tested the font, and came up with
suggestions on improving it :)
IronDuck, for challenging me to do a 'smiley' font, which will (read may ;))
appear in the future.