This archive contains some fonts suitable for a proportional Workbench
(i.e., one with square pixels, like Super72, DblPAL, or PAL/Laced).
I've always been annoyed by the lack of [1mnice[0m non-proportional fonts.
Topaz is fat and ugly in 800x600, Courier is just ugly. The XEN font
from MagicWB is decent, but it didn't come in the size I wanted. I wasn't
terribly happy with the choices available for icon fonts, either.
Helvetica/9 (or the almost identical XHelvetica/9) is too small; the
lower-case letters are only four pixels high, which means the a's and e's
and other complex little letters look strange. And the 11-point fonts are
too tall... what I really wanted was a better 9 point proportional font.
So I created some fonts on my own, with [1mwbfed[0m and later [1mpfm[0m.
[1mclean[0m is the non-proportional font. It's designed to resemble a
Helvetica font as closely as possible -- the A is shaped like an
upside-down V (and not an upside-down U), for instance. Sizes available:
9x6, 10x6, 11x6, and 13x7 pixels. The size of an E is 7x5, 7x5, 8x5, and
9x6, respectively.
[1mIconFont[0m is the icon text font, of course. (Though I suppose if you
have a 17" monitor and like small fonts, you can use it as the Screen Font,
too... I use it as the `tiny' font in MUI.) It's very similar to the
Helvetica font, but the characters are bigger and much more legible IMO.
Size: 9 pixels, proportional.
I made these fonts more than a year ago, but as I recently got a request
for them by someone who saw a grab of my Workbench Screen, I decided to
upload them. Better late than never... and before uploading them, I
filled in all the ü's and è's and ñ's and so on wherever they were
missing. Which is why the timestamp is relatively fresh on some of the