84768 packages online
pix/misc/A2-GPixel_2.lha |
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______ ._
- - -- --- ---- ------ .\--------| ----- ---- --- -- - -
| \ _ . . |
[ a s t r a l s y n d r o m e ] | .\/ . . | [ s y n d r o m e a s t r a l ]
_ __ ___ ___ _____ _______|____ ___|___________ _____ ____ ___ __ _
_____\ \\ \\ . . . . .\ . . . . . . // // // // ///
______________ / _________ \__________ \_____________//____//___//__//_///
\·___ \ \ _____/_______|__ . . ._|__________________
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[=\-------/_______\-----\ ·/. . . . \ \ ·\ ___ /
[=======================/_________/ . . . . |\ \-----/ \\ _ /
__ [============| . . . . |=\________\=======\________\--/=]
__ \/ ___________ | ________|__ az0!/sea __
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[========/________/ |=======/ ·/=] \/ \/
/\ /\ ______ | . . . . | /___________/
/ \ ¯¯ _______|__/ | . . . __|
¯¯¯¯ \____|____, | . . . \ | astrosyn`2. demoscene festival.
_ __ _ __ __·_ . . \· koszalin, poland.
////_//__//________\ march 20-21st, 1999
astrosyn`2 official releases file.
more afterparty infos at: zorka19@puma.tu.koszalin.pl
. [node0: +48-91-4879493] [node1: telnet] [node2: telnet]
¦ _______ [amiga124oT/6o3e/24omhz/5gb warez space]
_________ \ /__________
___\ /___\__ ___/________
\ / _ \ ___ /_____ m a s t e r :
\_____ /\----/_____\ ____/ / madbart
/--------/ \_____ / . appendix
/------/ -»-·------------------|/·
________ ¦ ________
\ __/____ _____________ ____\ /______
\_______ \____________ \ _____/__\___ /
_ . k®s!/la! / / _ \ ___ /__\__ \ /____ /
|_|-·----------/_______\---\ ____/ /_____ / /-------/
¦ \_____ / /-------/
¦ t h e s e c t b b s /------/
¦ [appendix] [pic saint loup] [jormas] [teklords] [floppy]
¦ [kore] [linear] [old bulls] [sative mea] [mawi]
¦ [dinx project]
-«-·-------------[ supporter: ufok.mst.lsd.crx + prefix.apx ]
Contents of pix/misc/A2-GPixel_2.lha
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