Pictures from the World of Commodore Amiga (WOCA) Show, held in
Pasadena, CA. USA, Sept. 10-12, 1993. All pictures are Copyright 1993,
Harv Laser. Permission to include on commercial Amiga CD-ROM products
is granted provided the author is notified and the pictures are not
edited in any way from the originally distributed .JPEG files.
Otherwise permission for commercial publication is expressly denied
without explicit written permission. Contact for
information. User Groups may publish these pictures in their newsletters
if desired, providing a copy of the newsletter containing the picture(s)
is mailed to Harv Laser, PO Box 10141, Torrance, CA 90505.
All pictures are 736x480, 24 bit color, JPEG compressed.
All pictures were taken with a throwaway Kodak camera. The developed
prints were digitized with my Epson ES300C flatbed color scanner
using the Art Dept. Pro. driver software by ASDG. Pics were then
tweaked and sharpened by OpalPaint and previewed on OpalVision.
CD32WOCA.JPEG - A stack of European CD32 boxes shot at CBM's
WOCA press conference on the left. A front and rear view
of CD32 machines at CBM's show booth on the right.
A4000T.JPEG - An Amiga 4000T with a transparent case on display
at CBM's show booth. The machine was not turned on to use and was
shown for display purposes only.
JBB.JPEG - Julie "Ladyhake" Peterson ( on
the left. Bill Seymour ( in the middle, are
visiting the Terra Nova Development show booth staffed by one of
its co-owners, Bradley "BWS" Schenck, ( on the right,
who is selling his Imagine Designer Object disks and demonstrating his
forthcoming CD-ROM game "The Labyrinth of Time" which will be sold
(at some time) by Electronic Arts.