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Short:Excellent animation, requires 5M RAM
Download:pix/anim/upgrade.lha - View contents

         Upgrade by Dr Gandalf

         (Interlaced Overscan HAM)

         Copyright 1990 By Eric J Fleischer, MD
                           2213 Solmar Drive
                           Silver Spring, MD 20904

         Release Date: March 17, 1990

         All Rights, Except Those Granted Herein, Reserved

1. Terms Of Distribution
Permission for the non-commercial distribution of Upgrade by Dr Gandalf
is hereby granted. Non-commercial distribution is defined as distribution
by user groups, individuals, bulletin boards, and not for profit, public
service public domain disk distributors. Distribution is ONLY permitted if
ALL the files that make up the entire animation are distributed together.
Any manufacturer of hardware or software is specifically enjoined from the
public distribution of any part of Upgrade by Dr Gandalf, except
if written arrangements are made with the author (not that I wouldn't be
willing to make such arrangements).

Upgrade by Dr Gandalf is specifically NOT in the public domain.

2. How it was made:
The original images were generated in Interlaced Overscan HAM mode using 
a Turbo Silver SV (floating point), a commercial ray-tracing program from
Impulse Software (It was NOT done with Sculpt 3D!!!)

The rendering was done partly with and Amiga 2000 with a Commodore 14MHz
68020/68881, and partly with a GVP 32MHz 68030/68882. The animation took 
about one year from start to finish. 
There are over 700 images total. The images were generated with Turbo
Silver, touched up with Diamond (also from Impulse).  The pictures were 
compressed into five separate .ANIM files with either Turbo Silver, MakeAnim
(public domain), or Animation Station (Cryogenic Software). Sounds were
created digitized with Perfect Sound. The title slides were created with
Deluxe Paint III (Electronic Arts). The entire animation is shown using 
Deluxe Video III (Electronic Arts).

3. How to view it:
UPGRADE requires *5 Megabytes* of memory, and Super Agnes, and 5 
megabytes of hard disk space to run!!!

The individual scenes can be played with VIEW, which is on the first
disk of this collection. Press the F5 key once the animation begins
to make it play at the correct speed. The individual scenes take 1 to 1.5

   Make a drawer on your hard disk, and copy all the files from all six
disks into that partition. Then just double-click the Upgrade icon. If the 
player generates an error message, it is probably due to fragmented memory. 
Re-boot and try again.

I hope you enjoy Upgrade. If you do, you can pay me back by
coming up with some interesting animation and graphics of your own and
distributing them.

PLEASE, when distributing UPGRADE, be sure to keep it intact, and
include all portions of the animation in the distribution, including the
main animation files, the sound files, the titles, this documentation 
and the associated icons.

                       Dr. Gandalf, AKA Eric J Fleischer, MD


Contents of pix/anim/upgrade.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   55      55 100.0% -lh0- 319b Mar 19  1992 .info
[generic]                  994    1530  65.0% -lh5- 2956 Mar 19  1992 2l.on
[generic]                 1703    2570  66.3% -lh5- 1b0a Mar 19  1992 2u.on
[generic]                 1231    1600  76.9% -lh5- 5436 Mar 19  1992 5l.on
[generic]                 1747    2266  77.1% -lh5- c6ae Mar 19  1992
[generic]                  720    1442  49.9% -lh5- 0935 Mar 19  1992 b2-a
[generic]                 2674    5476  48.8% -lh5- afbc Mar 19  1992 b2-an
[generic]                  922    2032  45.4% -lh5- e489 Mar 19  1992 b2-by
[generic]                 1540    3230  47.7% -lh5- 55c2 Mar 19  1992 b2-c9
[generic]                 3707    6792  54.6% -lh5- d4f3 Mar 19  1992 b2-dg-c
[generic]                 1974    3324  59.4% -lh5- 9081 Mar 19  1992 b2-ejf
[generic]                 2702    5318  50.8% -lh5- baf7 Mar 19  1992 b2-ts-c
[generic]                 9658   10508  91.9% -lh5- 4f8f Mar 19  1992 Bars-Tone
[generic]                  187    1090  17.2% -lh5- 71d4 Mar 19  1992
[generic]                 1013    1136  89.2% -lh5- 759a Mar 19  1992 Beep1.SND
[generic]               662196  768432  86.2% -lh5- ac73 Mar 19  1992 Buyer.anim
[generic]                 4876    8652  56.4% -lh5- 7abe Mar 19  1992 CType
[generic]                 3952    9003  43.9% -lh5- 6e28 Mar 19  1992 CType.Doc
[generic]               674542  814846  82.8% -lh5- f239 Mar 19  1992 Delivery.anim
[generic]                 2776    3070  90.4% -lh5- 573c Mar 19  1992 DoorOpen.SND
[generic]                97181  196476  49.5% -lh5- 10f5 Mar 19  1992 DVPlayer
[generic]                  514    1270  40.5% -lh5- 51a2 Mar 19  1992
[generic]                  734    1136  64.6% -lh5- 6c8c Mar 19  1992 EscSound.SND
[generic]                  820    1136  72.2% -lh5- 7530 Mar 19  1992 ESound.SND
[generic]                10633   13790  77.1% -lh5- bc33 Mar 19  1992 Ring.SND
[generic]               684472  841648  81.3% -lh5- 2906 Mar 19  1992 Room.Anim
[generic]                  506     769  65.8% -lh5- 16af Mar 19  1992
[generic]                 4610    5632  81.9% -lh5- 8d9c Mar 19  1992 SetDown.SND
[generic]               445993  561992  79.4% -lh5- 4417 Mar 19  1992 Street.anim
[generic]               670532  808252  83.0% -lh5- 8db4 Mar 19  1992 Subway.anim
[generic]                 3544    8358  42.4% -lh5- 6326 Mar 19  1992 t1-up-c
[generic]                22117   26136  84.6% -lh5- fbdf Mar 19  1992 TaDaDa.SND
[generic]                  228     228 100.0% -lh0- 280e Mar 19  1992 Thup.SND
[generic]                15997   22920  69.8% -lh5- 422f Mar 19  1992 Title.10
[generic]                30609   44140  69.3% -lh5- c494 Mar 19  1992 Title.11
[generic]                10897   16578  65.7% -lh5- b2ff Mar 19  1992 Title.2
[generic]                27833   40528  68.7% -lh5- 57df Mar 19  1992 Title.3
[generic]                25351   36950  68.6% -lh5- 94f5 Mar 19  1992 Title.4
[generic]                24816   34454  72.0% -lh5- 788f Mar 19  1992 Title.5
[generic]                26412   36694  72.0% -lh5- 9b4a Mar 19  1992 Title.6
[generic]                23562   32652  72.2% -lh5- 26ca Mar 19  1992 Title.7
[generic]                24861   34790  71.5% -lh5- 3554 Mar 19  1992 Title.8
[generic]                16117   26442  61.0% -lh5- 418e Mar 19  1992 Title.9
[generic]                 9952   12136  82.0% -lh5- f2aa Mar 19  1992 TrainIn.SND
[generic]                 4212   22526  18.7% -lh5- 4efd Mar 19  1992 Upgrade
[generic]                 1462    3349  43.7% -lh5- 8659 Mar 19  1992 UpGrade.DOC
[generic]                  214     384  55.7% -lh5- d7f2 Mar 19  1992
[generic]                  345     931  37.1% -lh5- dede Mar 19  1992
[generic]                28677   58760  48.8% -lh5- d4f4 Mar 19  1992 view
[generic]                 1695    2380  71.2% -lh5- 3d39 Mar 19  1992 Wrinkle.SND
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        50 files 3594065 4545809  79.1%            Mar 20  1992
Page generated in 0.02 seconds
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