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Author: Kiernan Holland
Kiernan Holland (C) 1993
June 1, 1993
Flying (fly by) animation.
I put all these frames in a format which can be assembled using
REND24. I do not provide an assembled animation because
it would require a lot more storage (I estimate about
4 - 12 megs depending on much color you want. The Animation is 120
frames long, using Rend24 you can render it in grey scale,
IFF24 animations, HAM8, whatever you like. This is why it is
in unassembled form. The other reason (besides this) is I didn't
want to drag this stuff home and assemble it then drag it back to
I made the entire animation using C code that I wrote, Rayshade
4.0, Glenn's TDDD library and Imagine 1.1. I make my objects in Imagine,
convert them with TDDD2RAY then I have a C program run Rayshade
for every frame in the animation and compress each frame to
JPEG format from RLE format. Sounds like a lot of stuff to do,
but really once the code is written to automate the process,
all I have to do is spend about 5 minutes configuring everything
and I let the computers at school crunch the numbers... leaving
my Amiga free (of course) to do anything I want. You see, I'm
not one of those Amiga users which spends most of his time tieing up
his computer with tasks that it needn't do. Amiga's are best for creativity
not for grunge work, a network full of unused workstations over a
summer break is what you should do your ray-tracings on ;-) .
If you need any code to start making your own fly-bys, I have some
relatively simple C programs that you can rearrange to match your
system and automate the task.
Kiernan Holland
PS- This animation took about 6 megs of memory to render (all the time)
and contains more than 13,000 primitives (One object which wasn't
included had about 20-40K primitives, thats why ;-) ).
Total ray-tracing time was less than a day on one VAX 5000 (Decstation)
equiped with Rayshade 4.0 and UNIX. A preview took me about
3 hours to render and that was 100 frames at 320x200-24bit
on the same workstation.
Contents of pix/anim/flying.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1183 2191 54.0% -lh5- c70e Jun 13 1994 flying.readme
[generic] 594041 594041 100.0% -lh0- 0ed6 Jun 13 1994 flying1.lha
[generic] 590841 590841 100.0% -lh0- 7738 Jun 13 1994 flying2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 1186065 1187073 99.9% Jun 13 1994
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