I Have Port this from Windoze people not sure from who? but usefull program.
Usage: amiVCSMAKER <filename> (-h for help, or -a to generate all)
This program generates VCS files compatible with the Stella emulator.
The filename required as parameter must be the name of an Atari 2600
binary ROM file ("BIN file" for short). Since the .BIN extension is
assumed, you do not have to specify it within the filename parameter.
If the filename specified is defined in the VCSMAKER.CFG file (which
must lie in the same directory as amiVCSMAKER), the VCS file associated
with the BIN file is created using the data found in the VCSMAKER.CFG
file. If there is no such data for the filename specified, the program
creates a default VCS file, which you can edit to your liking.
?example usage with Test.BIN Which already included
->cli amiVCSMAKER Test
--Then You'l Get a File as Test.vcs
©Amiga executable of amiVCSMAKER is mailware u like it then send me an e-mail.
- bug or 4 Your comments ->e-mail-> mehmet@mboran.fsnet.co.uk