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This is the latest distribution of the incredible multiplayer flight
simulator. Models the 'Warbirds' (WWI, WWII, Korean era jets) with
VERY realistic flight models. No oppenents or ammo/bombs unless you
hook into an Airwarrior host (on GEnie, Delphi, Cris, etc.) but has
free-flight without host. This archive has films of on-line action.
Requires a Hard Disk. FASTRAM strongly recommended. Accelerator
recommended. Better performance in HiRes mode with AGA.
Contents of game/misc/airwarrior.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 144586 256200 56.4% -lh5- 2a54 Jun 27 1994 AirWar/airwar
[generic] 71016 152564 46.5% -lh5- 559c Jun 27 1994 AirWar/airwar.dat
[generic] 289038 348245 83.0% -lh5- f8fe May 22 1993 AirWar/AirWarP.snd
[generic] 544 3277 16.6% -lh5- 60e2 Jun 7 1993 AirWar/config.air
[generic] 119020 239355 49.7% -lh5- 672f Jun 27 1994 AirWar/CorsairD
[generic] 255 628 40.6% -lh5- aa54 Jun 7 1993 AirWar/DOCS.info
[generic] 2782 5646 49.3% -lh5- 8fff Jun 27 1994 AirWar/DOCS/Bugs_Advice2NewPilots
[generic] 537 1246 43.1% -lh5- ae6d Jun 7 1993 AirWar/DOCS/Fuelchart
[generic] 29260 77302 37.9% -lh5- f66f Jun 7 1993 AirWar/DOCS/guide
[generic] 11209 27471 40.8% -lh5- 4e0d Jun 27 1994 AirWar/DOCS/Read.Me
[generic] 745 1589 46.9% -lh5- 3045 Jun 27 1994 AirWar/DOCS/vnotes.29c
[generic] 255 628 40.6% -lh5- 1bd7 Jun 7 1993 AirWar/Films.info
[generic] 57112 91776 62.2% -lh5- 2841 Jun 27 1994 AirWar/Films/furball.cam
[generic] 45585 72002 63.3% -lh5- 6aa4 Jun 27 1994 AirWar/Films/gunnery.cam
[generic] 258 628 41.1% -lh5- a1e3 Jun 7 1993 AirWar/MapsPics.info
[generic] 15973 91596 17.4% -lh5- 0099 Jun 27 1994 AirWar/MapsPics/FENCER.LBM
[generic] 17639 137900 12.8% -lh5- 24c7 Jun 27 1994 AirWar/MapsPics/OCEANIA.LBM
[generic] 15909 57752 27.5% -lh5- 75ab Jun 7 1993 AirWar/MapsPics/RTEURO.LBM
[generic] 11419 64612 17.7% -lh5- 4093 Jun 27 1994 AirWar/MapsPics/RTPAC.LBM
[generic] 279234 1187875 23.5% -lh5- ef95 Jun 27 1994 AirWar/terrain.dat
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 20 files 1112376 2818292 39.5% Oct 24 1994
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