AmigaGuid Game Launcher, or AGL for short, is an intuitive WHDLoad game launching
application that is desgined to run within a limited 2MB Amiga Systems and
WHDLoad 17.0 or hiher. This software is developed under ClassicWorkbench and
field tested on a 2MB A600 and WinUAE
AGL is based upon Amiga Guide Script - Some game-guides may require you to update
the odd titles to run smoothly, updates would be limited to games with different
directory / slave names and multi-slave games.
AGL is designed for use with "KGWHDLoad Game Packs" and a ClassicWorkbench Game
directory structure. AG-Launch has a centralised structure which only requires
that you have an alphabetized games directory.
The root of your categorized games directory should be assigned i.e.
assign A-Games: sys:games/
assign A-Games: dh1:games/
Credits and greets
"for all his help and involvement in the community and AGLaunch
For his general awesomness and time in creating working installs
Wepl and the WHDLoad development Team
For their continued hard work for the Amiga Community
Jonathan Potter
For the very handy JoyMouse program
EAB & AmiBay
Simply the best communities on the Net
Finally I would also like to thank all the brave alpha testers and users
for enjoying, sharing and improving AG-Launch
My sincere thanks, my fellow Amigans - Zetr0